That is kinda how I am using my blog aswell, helps me to think through my ideas as I write about them.
Realizing a goal can come from reflecting on other aspects of life I find.
So your own bakery hey? That’s a big deal, I have been baking for 10 years now and it can be a tough industry with large scale bakeries dominating local supermarkets but you will always have demand for artisan style products. Flare will bring people in, 1-2 to die for signature products will sell the rest you offer.
Always remember the best creations in baking have all come from mistakes! Sometimes as a direct result including Nanaimo Bars & Ciabatta. The Nanaimo bar story is one I love to tell people, it was an entry to a contest that didn’t work out correctly and the creator didn’t have time to redo it so and it was sent in anyways and she won, despite not believing in the resulting product, now everywhere you go Nanaimo bars from originating from Nanaimo!
Yeah that is an aspect I love about steemit, actually gets you sitting down and thinking about good things.
Owning my own bakery would be a long term aspiration, If/when the opportunity arises I would love to take it! I am all bout the artisan route, especially bread...artisan fresh sourdough..oohhh 🤩🤩 don't even get me all the other sweet treats. haha.
Interesting about Nanaimo bars, I never knew that...we don't have those around here thats pretty neat.
Thanks for taking the time on my blog @d00k13! #onelovedtube
Well when you make it happen, I will help you create products that will blow the socks of any typical bakery bread.
As everything I do, KISS keep it stupid simple. Never over complicate the steps to get a end result, words from George Ruedolf my instructor.