@dnews so far I find it easiest to reflect my ideas of other people in their comments section, i find people are more likely to respond to comments on their own articles with an in-depth analysis of what you have to say which then you can take in reiterate in your own article many times I’ve come up with an entire idea out of the conversation most have gone no where but that is the thought process isn’t it. Don’t toss your incomplete work, save it as a reference of your thoughts then and possibly that could be a topic!
Daily, why because rewards need to keep flowing for growth. As In any expanding market if you view your audience as clients with $ then to keep up with competition you need to continue to grow with the market or possibly get lost in the sea. This means visibility as much as you can when you can about whatever you have the time to explore more then superficially since quality is everything.
I’d like to try vlog but my mind freezes while trying to talk out my points, I can write them down organized and well but the stage fright hits me on camera 😂
Upvoted my brotha @d00k13
You’re a great writer bro :) I love reading your comments! Always very insightful and uplifting :) thanks always for staying in touch and offering your always awesome opinion my brotha :)
Upvoted you here too my brotha @d00k13 ! Enjoy :)