in #steemit7 years ago

I really like Steemit. In fact, I was writing about a social media website like Steemit long before Steemit came along. Though let's be real, Steemit is more than just a social media website, it is a digital community, it is a revolution away from centralized hierarchal power systems that keep an elite minority at the top with the majority slaving to keep the minority empowered.

Did I mention I really like Steemit?

The reasons I like Steemit go far beyond the idea of getting paid for creating and curating posts, though that is some sweet icing on the cake, it is not the be all and end all of Steemit and if that is your only reason to be here, then perhaps you shouldn't be here. And the idea of being free from censorship is empowering to those of us who prefer the alternative to the mainstream propaganda being shovelled at the masses as news and information, but, it amazes me how many still promote those messages here, or even, how trivial and vacuous some of your posts are, if not also being downright plagiarism. Or, is it right that someone posts a few links to someone else's videos and earns hundreds of dollars, simply because they have a following in the thousands? To me this is not a quality post, it is a lazy post, as well, it suggests a certain disdain for your followers.

Yes, there are some wrinkles that need ironing out and there likely always will be.

The real reason I like Steemit is that it is an open-source community. In other words, anyone has access to the code that is Steemit, therefore there are no secrets and the only pyramid structures involved is that of your followers. The more followers you have the greater visibility your posts have even to non-followers and the greater potential there is for upvotes.


Did I mention I really like Steemit?

My intention here on Steemit is to contribute quality posts with quality information in a quality format and to connect with those who do the same, especially those who offer original content. You artists and writers and vloggers who offer up a part of yourself, you are the ideal steemians as far as I am concerned. And to be clear, I do not have to agree with the content of your post to recognize it as a quality post and upvote it especially when it comes to the sciences which I consider far from being settled. What I am not here to do is upvote you just because you upvoted me, especially if all you say is; "I upvoted you now upvote me." or something to that effect. Nope. Sorry, that is not worthy of an upvote and such an attitude will not serve Steemit well.

I will also not follow you just because you're following me. If you want me to follow you, all you need do is post some quality posts that I find interesting or leave an interesting comment on one of my posts. It has taken me a while to learn the value of such a position. On Fakebook I have over 4500 alleged friends and I believe I have unfollowed 4400 of them, simply because they were not worth following for one reason or another. I suppose I could do that here, build up a mass of followers and mute all those I find boring or uninteresting, but, is that really the best way to go. Am I adding to Steemit with such an attitude or am I taking advantage of Steemit?


To summarize; if you want me to follow you then be interesting and contribute quality posts.
if you want me to upvote you then contribute something substantial with your comments and posts.
I will not follow you just because you followed me
I will not upvote you just because you upvoted me

Am I wrong for being so? Leave a comment below if you disagree with my position.
Feel free to follow me for more posts like this. Leave an interesting comment or ask a question and I will follow you.

Some other posts of mine that you might find of interest'

Vitrocoin give away; is it a scam

Dealing with anxiety, this may help.

CryptoCarbon; a consumer oriented cryptocurrency

New archaeological find rewrites Earth's history

Is modern science in need of reformulation?

Star cluster confounds astronomers

Minds announces ICO

SwiftDemand a universal basic income crypto



I agree with some of what you have said, but still I don't subscribe to all those pay to play idiots ideas of "the way it is". If the platform is truly going to grow, there has to be a happy medium between FIAT money invested and time spent growing the platform. What is more likely going to cause someone to tell there friends about something. How they made 5 or 10 dollars without investing a thing, by commenting on some other users posts? Or how they invested a huge amount of FIAT and spend the days up voting their own post's, for a so-so return? If you do not think that only up voting your own posts doesn't cannibalize the platform, you got something else coming . What is the most valuable resource on steem??? Its content.

Thanks for commenting. Pay to play? I am not sure I know what this is.
For a while, I was upvoting my own comments, but no longer do that, I upvote quality content. If Steemit is going to be successful, it will be the content, I agree. And that really was what my post was about.

I haven't been on here long.... but i definitely agree!! Makes it very frustrating for newbies... not very encouraging when u put your time, energy and heart into your posts. And all these bots..... so if u invest money u have the best chance here..... seems like there is a hierarchy here too..... :)

They do say investing money helps, but I don't have money to invest and I am here for the long haul. If it takes me longer that's fine.

Well, You know My intent... [smile] To share awareness of a better foundation for Human society to emerge from than what We have now with psychopaths in control. Follow Me. Don't. I pay little attention to the numbers. I am here to make a difference on Our planet.

Hey there, thanks for commenting and yes I do know you. ;)
Raising awareness one consciousness at a time. And the thing about that is, you can only raise awareness in a consciousness that is seeking awareness.

Peace my friend

Very true. [smile] Fortunately... As things get more and more oppressive and crazy, More and More are seeking solutions, seeking awareness.

Love always!

Hello there!

This post has been upvoted as a thank you for supporting @sexywhalebot.

Have a sexy and profitable day! : ]

kisskiss sexy whalebot, Oh when will you leave my dreams and in my reality be?
Alas, sweet sorrow, taunted and tempted by your sweet sexy whalebottedness.
Forever shall I be, bespotted of thee.
To dream a dream and only in my dreams
sexy whalebot shall be.
I must ask of thee,
Do you dream of me?

Agree with you @daemon-nice
I'm here mainly to give more than to get.
If you all grow, i grow too.
Steemit is the most Social Network and i hope it never change!

Nice post 👏👏👏


Thanks, it is and we will do our best to make sure it stays so.

Yes, we'll 👍
Best regards @daemon-nice

You are not wrong ..! And that's why I know it will be difficult for me to rise in the hierarchy, I think the same as you and, besides, I do not think I will be "politically correct", when I comment with the truth ... that will be the cost of growth ... thank you, because sometimes I feel like I'm alone, for wanting an improved steemit...greetings from Venezuela..!

Greetings from Canada my Venezuelan friend. You are not alone. And I care not for political correctness. Be respectful, but say what you need to say.


welcome!follow me and visit my blog for steemit and earning tips.