
I used it because I don't like talking on the phone, I don't like sending letters, and Facebook gave me a way with a single post to make a bunch of different people from my life feel like I was not neglecting them. I didn't have to feel bad that I hadn't called or written people. I could hand grenade style solve them all with a single post.

It was effective at that for awhile. Until I began reading about people losing jobs, getting visits from police, etc for things they said on Facebook. I have relatives I very much disagree with philosophically so it was not unusual for them to draw me into some heated debates. I quickly realized that Facebook was not a safe place to have such discussions, and those relatives would continue to entice me. So I quit facebook and have not looked back. That was years ago.

The funny thing is those relatives are vocal atheists (I am not religious so this is not an issue), but they really are not. They may not worship at a church or listen to priests telling them things that cannot be infallible. They have however replaced this with something else. They worship the state. The government is to whom they pray.

One of them had photos and such on the side of their refrigerator of Obama and his family, and an Obama Chia pet... it kind of reminded me of a religious shrine.

It is better that I don't talk to them on Facebook and end up in jail due to my anarchistic and Libertarian leanings.

Statism is definitely a religion. I sitting went to my nieces Veterans Day concert. It felt more like a sacrament. It's hard explaining to my nieces and nephews why I don't pledge allegiance when they are brainwashed five days a week. They had a returning marine surprise his daughter during the performance. The crowd gave a standing ovation and all I could think was "this guy abandoned his daughter to fight in wars of aggression on another continent and he's supposed to be my shining beacon of morality ? "