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RE: Building up my Crypto Portfolio !

in #steemit7 years ago

That's a pretty cool strategy. Could you shed some light into how much do you invest into Hashflare, Hashing24,Genesis Mining, Crypterra ?

If copying is the best form of compliment, then I'd like to copy you. :D


So I have been with Hashflare from 2016 and I don't remember how much I put in it actually. But I do know that I have broken even on Hashflare in​ August 2017 and I am getting my profits right now.

As for Crypterra it's​ a bit risky as its a new company. So I have gone and bought 3TH/s Mining Power to check things out. Since its minimum withdrawal is 10 USD I have been getting paid every second Day.

Right now these two are the only ones with available Hashpower.