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RE: Re-thinking Your Strategies-as a Steem Buyer

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I think the best way with steemit is to keep it simple unless you are an experienced trader. Looking at adoption statistics we are still early adopters true rewards will come later, power up be active and hold for few years :)


Very true. I think we can become more sophisticated as we grow and become more "fluid." Ha, my 29 cent trade probably didn't exactly shut the market down, it was more a bit of a sarcastic "pounding of the chest." Thanks for the input @damarth it's greatly appreciated!

Damn right. I've held on to all the STEEM I've bought, and it's worked out much better than my foolish attempts at trading.

Holding your STEEM as Steem Power basically forces you to hold on for the long term.

Good points, my intention was to not just immediately (the very second) I get a reward notice to buy steem. More in the light of hanging on to the SBD and waiting to strategically buy in the short term, when there are downturns. I totally agree, daytrading SBD for cash back and forth is a fool's errand, of which you will surely get burned bad if you do it for a long time. My personal opinion was that I follow my gut feeling of where the market can go in a few days, and buy steem and power up that way rather than just the second I get it. I surely am not claiming everyone follow this like a stock, it is not that at all. I have, and will continue to buy as much steempower as possible to up my influence on this platform. I am nothing but long here, and love the concept of those that are also have steempower, which is as forward thinking an idea as there is right now within cryptos in my opinion. Great points thanks for the input here #nxtblg it's greatly appreciated!

I also think that steemit is a project in which to invest. But do not expect quick money. In fact, no one is missing from the stars in the sky. Steemit in fact a young project, still only starts here. A long road ahead. And if you are willing to be here to continue his work, then after some time (a year, six months, a few years) you'll be glad that remained.I believe in the success of the platform and everyone who is really ready to go forward and make quality content.

I am glad to see your thoughts her @anna-mi I think you are spot on. This is a PROCESS not an event. There is going to be all kinds of crazy stuff going on effecting this community for the good, bad and the ugly. Anything worthwhile is surely never easy. Thanks you so much for your input @anna-mi I agree with them wholeheartedly!

thanks for the reply and support. I am very glad to meet you. Let's go forward together! Welcome to the platform.