You speak really well in public, and also you show people that it's possible to quit a 9-5 and blog professionally. A lot of people don't believe it's possible to be a sustainable content producer and who knows it might turn out that Steemit isn't going to be able to provide sustainable income but you still inspire people to try.
I know rent is really high in San Francisco so if you live there then it's going to be very difficult to blog exclusively. On the other hand you travel a lot and you know your way around the world so I believe you can make it work.
Thank you so much. As of right now it has allowed me to sustain myself as a content producer, but you are right, San Francisco is extremely high in living expenses. I think the ability to make Steemit your full time job also depends on where you live in the world and how much the living costs are there. I'm curious - do you think that you, personally, could be a sustainable content producer relying solely on Steemit?
Not at the current prices of Steem. When the prices were around $3 and rising I was a bit more confident that it was trending in the right direction but it really depends on how many followers I have, how many upvotes I get, what the price of Steem currently is what determines how much is available for payouts and the price of Steem declining means Steemit as a platform supports a decreasing amount of people in developed countries with more focus switching to developing countries or just anywhere not in places like San Francisco.
In most places you need $5000 a month minimum, and on Steem it's currently very difficult to achieve that.