[POLL] Are you are buying gold/silver/bitcoin/crypto this year, if so, which ones?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

What are Steemians are investing in for the rest of 2016?

I will tell you what I am buying, but wonder if you are buying gold/silver/bitcoin/crypto this year as well? If so, which ones?

I am personally looking to stack the following 4 asset classes in 2016 (in no particular order):

  1. Physical gold/silver - I believe in the long term value of physical gold/silver due to globally unsound macro-economic 'governance.' I believe in real money, and I believe this current 'fiat' experiment will be over in <100 years, unless we go back to a gold standard. I think, ultimately, there could be a USD collapse, and in this scenario we would experience $5000+ gold prices, minimum. An inevitable, perhaps even more realistic scenario is also unfolding in the precious metals space, and that is demand that will continue to rise exponentially from China, as the population becomes increasingly wealthy and continues to hoard gold/silver bullion. Not to mention, world banks are also forever increasing their exposure to gold/silver as well. I am also a fan of physical gold/silver, not paper gold/silver. I also like gold mining stocks. FMG in Australia (Fortescue Metals Group) run by Twiggy Forrest (ticker: FMG), just published profits of $1billion - http://www.miningnews.net/markets/profit-loss/fmg-smashes-expectations/. There is a very special characteristic about gold mining stocks that I very much admire, I will explore those reasons in my next post so make sure to follow me if you would like to see that.

  2. Bitcoin - Because Bitcoin.

  3. STEEM POWER - I am going to 'power up' all my investments in Steem into STEEM POWER, from authoring rewards, curation rewards and deposits. I am investing in the long term vision of Steemit, and that is why I am only going to invest in Steem Power (and obviously authoring and curation). I also mine Steem! But my CPU is not so strong, so it is more just for fun than anything!

  4. ETH - I have owned ETH since it was 79c and I continue to support it. I believe it will eventually reach equilibrium with BTC, given enough time. Either BTC will move down a little, and ETH up a lot, or BTC will continue to climb and ETH will reach it, and even surpass it. I am predicting $1000+ ETH within 10-20 years. I believe in this, because I believe that IoT and technology like Raiden+Ethereum will handle trillions of machine-to-machine micro-transactions a day. Not to mention p2p transactions, but I think those numbers will pale in comparison to machine-to-machine 'transfers-of-value'.

Note; I am a little disappointed by the ETH hard fork, but, as the system is still maturing and only in 'beta' phase, I am comfortable with the ETH hard fork for the DAO. I think it had to happen, unfortunately, as much as I was against it. I am happy to hear the Vitalik would be against such moves in the future (not like he has all the control, anyway) and consider this a 'one-off'. I think long term, ETH will not be affected by the situation, much like Bitcoin and Mt. Gox etc.

I love physical gold and silver in particular. I have owned since 2007, and it has been a very good investment for me over that time, as you can see in this chart.

Also, it appears Donald Trumps advisor is calling for a gold standard!? Interesting.
Source: http://fortune.com/2016/08/18/trump-gold-standard-economic-advisor-woman-judy-shelton/

I will continue to try and stack as much bullion and/or numismatics (coins) as I can. It actually becomes a bit of a hobby. Also, I think silver is the place to be. Gold will allow you to retain your current wealth, but it won't make you 'rich'.

Why silver?

I believe silver will eventually make me wealthier, long term, simply due to the fact that it is actually in much less supply than gold, and has industrial use, i.e. it does not just sit around in vaults, and is being used up at ever dramatic rates for industrial purposes, unlike gold, which is used primarily just for jewellery, or to sit around in vaults, as an investment

I love the 1KG bars, which brand do you have? Do you like the Pamp Suisse?

I think the liberty is my favourite coin.

And of course, I love the gold version of this coin too

I am generally a long term investor, and don't really make plays based on short term goals. All of my investment choices are based on a minimum 10-15 year vision.

That is a long time, so to fill the time whilst I wait, I like to mine Steem and watch videos like this...

Monster box porn. It is my current goal to buy one of these!

I love bullion stacking porn and unboxing videos

But really, this post was to find out what Steemians are investing in for the rest of 2016, I have told you what I am investing in, and why, so let us all know what you are investing in this year in the comments below, who knows, just maybe we can help each other make some sound investment decisions in 2016!? :D

p.s - How long until 'steemian' is in the dictionary? I predict 2020.

p.p.s I am also interested by decent.ch - they currently have a bounty on where by following them on social media - twitter, facebook, etc, you receive part of a bounty presale ICO. Their project is also interesting - decentralized file/content sharing.

If you liked this, you may like my other post:

Why I love investing in gold stocks and why you should too - TOP SECRET

#steemit #money #investing #bitcoin #ethereum


I have silver 1KG bars and 1oz coins, with gold I have multiple 1gram bars and 10 gram bars. Looking to get 1/2 oz gold coins as well, can't afford the full ones.

I am also stacking BTC, ETH, ETC, Lisk and invested in Augur and on the Bankof the future platform. And of course Steem Power which I would like to add to for long term.

And not forgetting, some cash, food and water for the coming "Bank Holidays"

Would you consider just 1/2oz gold bullion? It can be better value...? Or are you into your numismatics more in particular, I know some people are? I actually prefer bullion over coins. I love the weight, all that mass in such a small space.

(way above my league)...

Although, I can be a sucker for some of the numismatics too sigh hehe

Is it too late to get in on Augur?

Happy stacking!

I'm in the UK and would like to get a couple of Britana coins, but yes I agree bullion can be better value. As for Augur, their crowd sale ended a while back, soon to hit the exchanges^_^

Damn, re Augur, thanks.

Yes, I love those Britannia coins as well sigh

Yes, those are the coins, I like the look of the 2016 ones, they seem to have a different colour, ( more golden) maybe because these are now 9999 prove?

As much as I like the idea of STEEM it's just a little too new to spend a bunch of money investing in SP, maybe going into next year, but for now just buy a little to have more voting power. Gold, Silver and even Bitcoin has a longer track record from a logical investment point of view. I'm also with you on ETH, due to the Hard Fork i'm not sure what is going to happen so the risk is two high. Bitcoin is also having lots of problems lately and we don't know what will happen. Silver seems like the best way to go. It has been historically undervalued relative to Gold, if Gold makes a new high at say $3,000 silver should be at $200 in which case you will big in % terms. The problem is that Silver takes up way more space in your safe, so Bitcoin (all crypto) have a big advantage there on precious metals.

Yea, I am really just going to put in what I can afford into SP. I am a huge fan of Steemit though, so I do thoroughly want to be exposed, and participate in the success of the platform in general.

+1 for silver!

If my problem is that I run out of room, because I have too much silver, I sincerely look forward to that day. :P

it's not so much the room it takes up it's the weight. And while I agree it's a good problem to have, $3 Million dollars in Gold is much easier to transfer, store and hide than $3 Million in Silver... Privacy is very important and the less people know the better.

Yes, i agree, it can be annoying. I only have about $4k in silver, and already it is taking up too much space, but I can always find more, for my precious silver :P

I do look forward to this:

For the past few years I've been building up my inventory of:

  • Silver bars. mostly 10 & 100oz. Some 5oz
  • Gold bars. 1oz bars
  • Bitcoin and now STEEM

Also, equally valid as investments incase the economy goes really south.

  • Seeds, non GMO, organic
  • Firearms and ammo
  • Ultra low interest loans... b/c buying shit at 2% loans makes sense. When the rates inevitiably eventually rise, I'll still have cash on hand for what I need.
  • Stable food... MRE-style sealed rations, but also sealed bulk rice & beans
  • Solar power components... panels, inverters, batteries, etc
  • Equipment... earthmoving, agricultural, chainsaws, water pumps, that sorta thing
  • RO/DI systems and components... cause clean water...
  • things such as sand bags, concertina wire, etc.
  • medical supplies... suture kits, staplers, antibiotics, etc.

Nice collection there.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you want more of in particular in the precious metals? No problem if you prefer not to say, I respect your privacy. Not the best to boast about physical collections online. Always be safe.

Good to meet you buddy.

I believe in the 3 Bs

Buddy, Bullets, Beans.

....and precious metals :P

You sound like a 'buddy' I would like to have.

Shall we start our own Steemit community?


Nice to meet you as well. I was thinking of writing some content on disaster prep

Lol I want a lot more silver. I also want my silver that bulliondirect was holding when they filed for bankruptcy.

Yeah speaking of buddies, my bug out place is the rendezvous place for a lot of friends and family. A social network is an equally important investment.

I was thinking of writing some content on disaster prep

You should definitely do this, I would be interested to read your stuff for sure.

Nice re silver, me too. Sorry to hear that, hopefully that works out for you!

Nice work, followed.

I would buy gold/silver this yr

A trump win will be big for gold. Trumps economic advisers calling for a return to the gold standard.

Happy stacking!

Very good post. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. There's a lot of exchanges out there. I found that coinmarketcap.com gives quite a decent overview. Besides coinmarketcap.com there is: https://www.coincheckup.com They seem to give this complete indepth analysis of all cryptocoins. Check for example: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Bitcoin#analysis For the Bitcoin Detailed analysis