The social platforms based on the chain of blocks do not stop attracting glances, since people can participate in them and contribute articles, photographic designs and videos, without needing to be full-time professionals. These spaces offer a micropayment wall that allows users to send cryptocurrency for each piece of material, which is the key factor when differentiating from other social networks.
Ecosystems such as Twitter and Facebook have accustomed us to part of the essence of journalism without intermediaries, but at the end of the day it does not change the fact that they have become what they are thanks to the journalistic work of others; Blockchain, on the other hand, proposes to attract people who want to materialize what they like best in a professional opportunity and not simply pull the recreational field.
Steemit: a cryptocurrency, two smart contracts
Launched in March 2016, Steemit is a social platform powered by a chain of blocks called Steem, in which users get rewards through the Steem Power and Steem Dollars contracts: the first is the voting backbone that each account owns, and the more Steem Power has a user, the stronger their vote in Steemit. There is no way to buy or sell Steem Power, but it is possible to convert them into Steem in a process that takes about 104 weeks. This contract is basically a long-term capital commitment.
The second token, Steem Dollars, proposes to distribute $ 1 of Steem to users, which through a seven-day conversion process aims to minimize the ability to create arbitrage attacks ... in short, if the Steem Dollars were convertible to Steem immediately, a user could take advantage of a price difference, convert their Steem Dollars into Steem and thus earn more than $ 1 for the smart contract that was assigned to them. This is the part that most interests many, since it is about short-term gains.
Ned Scott, a former financial analyst, and Daniel Larimer, founder of BitShares, are the creators of Steemit. Ned, a graduate in psychology and economics at Bates, is also a startup consultant and has been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies since 2013, when he discovered Bitcoin in a finance article; Larimer, meanwhile, is an entrepreneur and software engineer who discovered Bitcoin when in 2009 he was trying to design a digital currency ... he immediately became involved in this world and came to the conclusion that decentralized exchanges would be necessary; He is also the creator of BitUSD and current CEO of Cryptonomex, a consulting company of Blockchain.
At the time, my colleagues Jaime Sandoval, Eduardo Gómez and Daniela Caro, prepared very complete articles in which Steemit is the protagonist. The first one is focused on the DECENT, Yours and Steem platforms, while the second offers a detailed look at the main characteristics of the ecosystem; Finally, Daniela's article tells us about the experience she had when interviewing Lorenzo Cloquell Fornari -one of the most frequent writers on the platform-, as usual, through a peaceful coffee. I recommend reading the three articles to soak up the intrinsic peculiarities of the social network.
How can I make money in Steemit?
When users registered with Steemit sympathize with a post, it becomes more visible on the site. As I had previously stressed, the symbol that represents the influence of a person in the community is the Steem Power, which comes from the original Steem token. In Steemit it is possible to appreciate the quantity of material and the money invoiced by each person, since the relationship between the artist and the consumer is much more direct than in other social networks. Day by day the number of users that publishes is greater and it can be seen that the most veterans have already managed to overcome the 2000 dollars in less than 24 hours.
In addition to this, it should be noted that Steemit does not skimp on incentives, as users who are thrifty within the platform, keeping their cryptocurrency for a period of more than a year, receive a percentage of interest as an incentive. Taking into account that the storage of coins equals more influence within the space, this translates into more followers. To belong to the community all you need is an account on Facebook or Reddit and carry out the registration through the page
Now, to start the user must take into account several aspects: you only have the right to be rewarded with priority while having a greater amount of Steem Power -Steemit gives a small portion when registering-, so it is important to stay active in the social network ... to illustrate the scenario: of all the new Steem that is created, 90% goes for the users that have Steem Power; Keep in mind that making a name is not something that takes a day or two, especially if it is a community that does not stop growing with editors who periodically provide interesting content..
So, if a person writes a post that manages to be very valuable, 75% is paid to the author of the entry and 25% to the curators, who are the users who vote positively for the article. 50% of the amount allocated to the editor is divided equally in Steem Dollars and Steem Power, and, I reiterate - this is very important - the more you have of the latter, the greater the influence within the community and the weight of the votes. in other post. If, for example, a person has just uploaded a high quality publication and a user with a lot of Steem Power votes and comments, Steemit will reward him with more money.
Great read, thanks for the information.
You're welcome brother
Short but informative thank you.
You're welcome brother