Do you ever wonder how much money you have in the pipeline?
Well wonder no more... thanks to and its creator @steemchiller
Steemworld's "Coming Author Rewards" Tool
I'm giving out a Quick Tip of something I have recently found, and its way too cool! Its a way to find out how much money you have coming to you in the system. Its a useful site on many levels and this tool really pumps me up. Just go to your page by typing in your username at the end of the link (Example: Then go down the page to the 5th section that is titled "coming author rewards" and hit refresh (see below).
3 Interesting Things I Track (highlighted in yellow above)
#1 What do I have coming in the future? (note: this isn't US$, see this recent article to explain the conversion (Quick Tip: What's In My Wallet?)
#2 When is my next payment is coming? (note: just scroll down the page and see when each and every payment is coming due.
#3 How many of my comments get upvoted? (note: I like to scroll through and look at just how many of my comments get upvoted. I am constantly amazed at some of the amounts and it really motivates me to continue to engage)
This awesome tool serves 2 main purposes for me. It both organizes me and helps me set goals and it keeps me motivated to keep going forward. I think if you check it out, you will find this tool very useful for you too!
Let me know what you think :)
(photo source: redbubble)
Great stuff. By the way, it is actually, you have .com listed in your post.
Thanks @bbrewer... I saw your comment hours ago but couldn't get to it until the bandwidth issue cleared. Its fixed and thank your very much for the headsup!
Great post! I've been on steemit since June and didn't realize how to see pending payouts. Thanks for sharing!
You got a 66.45% upvote from @steembloggers courtesy of @davemccoy!
That was awesome return... I'm waiting on you to contact me so I can figure out the ins and outs so that I can explain why one bot is better than another... I'm on discord and of course you can get me here too... So for though, you stand out in the crowd big time (so I know you are doing something different).
Thanks for the great information it's really helpful for few days I was just thinking about the same to how to calculate my rewards. thank again.
Regards @Crafter
yes me too @crafter, its a motivating thing to do... It makes me try harder. ;)
Thanks for great information
Hello Doctor! You have had a good start on SteemIt since we last spoke!
My advice for you right now is to go to your wallet and click the button that says "redeem rewards" at the top of the page. You should also power up your account with more Steem power (SP) !
Do check out your account on SteemWorld: and see your account analytics!
You're welcome always Doc! I see you doing very well now... I was on your page the other day and you're a hit... And just think, its only your first month :)
Thanks for sharing the website.
You're welcome, it will be useful for you and I definitely want to help you in any way I can. Have a good week ahead and stay in touch!!!
Thanks for posting. I learn something new everyday.
lol... me too :) ... You're welcome and thank you for commenting too ;)
I never realized Steem World was able to do this. I thought the only site before was Steem Supply! Thanks for letting us know!
I'm glad I could help show you something, because you just told me something to dig into... :) ... It really is an awesome tool, it helps me a lot. Nice to meet you @snrm... And you are welcome to come to my pages and comment at any time! Cheers
Very good indeed :) Thanks for sharing :) You have up and I will resteem because is very useful. Thanks again.
Thank you for both the comments and for the resteem @r3v3nan7! And I hope you get lots of use out of it! Stay in touch
Thanks Dave!
You're welcome Ross... I think you will find it really useful for sure... ps. I see you're doing really well since we last connected. Keep it up, you must be doing something right :)
Wow, this is really good to know! I am still learning the most basic tools and features. And I really love that, by the way. Bee humble! Absolute necessity! Another wonderful article! Keep em coming!
Thanks again @rball8970.. and that's the key to getting ahead here (learning every day)... Keep up the good work and I got your back my man... And yes, always be humble. I have one saying that stays in my head that keep me happy every day...
Be honest
Be humble
Its worked really well for me in my life!
OMG, this was a great share at a great time for me. You are correct, it is very motivating! STEEMing forward!
That's awesome to hear @joebrochin... Yes I'm motivated a lot by it too.... Thanks for connecting too, we can now help each other to grow! I like your attitude already, I can tell :)
Great find Dave!! It is really cool!! Thanks
thanks @lynncoyle1 ... I agree its awesome... its going to be very helpful in my next set of articles too (so I'm glad you are getting familiar with it) ... Talk soon and always thanks for commenting, I appreciate it!
Excellente, my friend. Thanks for your posts.
My dear Steemian. It is a pleasure for me to be in Steemit. But It is much more pleasure to have you as my friend. I have been looking at in your Blog and I find all of your posts very much interesting.
I hope I get to know so more from you as you from me that we could have a strong friendship.
I am pretty new in Steemit, but I like to write and I have already posted a few things and I will keep posting as much as I can. I have posted a few things that you can see in my Blog whenever you wish.
I would like that you could do it in order to give me your opinion about them. There you will find my Biography, my photos, pictures of my place of birth and some other things.
Hi @zullusex, I will be happy to look at your blog and will do so in the next 10 mins. You are always welcome to connect with me as I want to help anyone that wants to grow. I'm here to help, so ask me anytime my friend. You are going to do well if you keep asking people here for help because most everyone want you to succeed... Ok as soon as I finish this page of comments, I will be done with my replies for the day and I will go check out your page. See you soon!
Thank you very much.
This is a great tool. Wonder whether it can be changed to 3 decimal places. Think the smallest denomination for reward is 3 decimal places. 😅
Yes it is an awesome tool @wyp... And haha.. I don't know if there is any plans for that, but you can ask the creator of such a cool tool @steemchiller... just go to his page and tell him you really like the tool he has created and ask him if he would mind if you give him a suggestion. He may be a big guy, but I'm confident you would like to hear from you.
And I'm glad you commented to me too... while I can't help put your idea into action, I can be here to work with you as my teammate as we both progress through time! Cheers
ps let me know if @steemchiller makes contact with you, I'd like to hear about it.
Thanks for the reply and insights. I had mistaken you as collaborator on this tool. 😅
I have comment on the "welcome to Steemworld" post . 😊
Another good post Dave, You will be a whale in no time. What do you know about witnesses, I have 30 votes to use up on witnesses still, Have you done yours yet? Any benefits?
Thanks professor ... I always like chatting with you even if its just a few soundbites... I know a little, but not enough to really vote on many... The way I look at it is they are the ones that keep the system going and keep the rules in place. I don't feel like I have been here long enough to really judge anyone and don't really know the landscape. I did vote for 3 of my 30 based on a few things I've heard from others in 2 of the cases and 1 guy was just a stand up guy when I dealt with him on something.
I really am not too concerned too much at this point because I am too small to make any kind of difference at this time... Yes one day me and you will have a point where our opinions really matter, but I think that day is at least a few months away ;) ...
I see you keep moving up in reputation professor, that is awesome to see! I hope we continue to make contact because you were one of the first ones I met here on my first day.
Cheers to you and definitely stay in touch :)
Thank you Dave your information has been a valuable help to me. I'm here for the long haul so we will stay in touch :)
good.. :)
I’ve been spending these last 2 hours on your blog, going through all your SteemIt tips and I’m really thankful for all the useful info you’re providing.
I’ve been on SteemIt for 3 or 4 months now, trying to figure out the platform, which, as you probably know, is not an easy job. :-)
Since I first started, I’ve been trying out loads of the external SteemIt tools - there are so unbelievably many of them - but Steemworld managed to stay unnoticed. This was the first time I heard about it. Quite a shame, because it is a very useful tool indeed.
Thanks again for all the great info. Can’t wait to see what comes next. (If SteemIt would allow me to categorize the people I follow using lists (like Twitter list) you would be in my ‘favourites’ list :-D
(WoW, this comment is starting to sound like a cheesy fanmail, so I’d better quit now before it gets worse :-)
By the way, do you happen to know any tool that allows me to select a couple of the people I follow and then sends me a notification when they make a new post? (Preferrably not through Discord or Telegram)
Check out the Steemify app and/or esteem I have both and seems like Steemify is faster in notifying. I know esteem is both iOS and Android. I don’t know if Steemify supports android.
Thanks for helping @mike314-0005 here... I always welcome you to join in and help anyone on my pages. Cheers :)
Thanks for the tip
Hi @mike314-005 I've wondered the same! Thanks @sighmanjestah for the tip on Steemify and /or esteem. I will check both out for sure! And I'm with @davemccoy, @mike314-005...hardest to retype for sure lol
Tell me about it ;-/
I don't know what I was thinking when signing up for SteemIt....
hey no worries @mike314-0005! That's not so bad of a rookie error, I already got the dreaded" out of bandwidth" message 2 1/2 weeks in!!
But you can let your bandwidth grow again. I’ll never going be able to change this stupid username.
To become successfull on a social platform, a niche-related and easy to remember username is one of the most important feaatures. Mine is absolutely not niche-related, and even worse: it’s difficult to write (in case of transfers it’s so easy to make a mistake). On top of that it’s hard remember - even I have to think about the order of the Numbers some time. Just because of that, i’ll Be missing out on reputation, earnings, followers and loads more. The only hope I have is that people eventually start to remember me as the person with the most diffult username on the platform - lol
well @mike314-0005, I will remember you; you're lucky I'm good with numbers lol
lol... no not at all not cheesy at all... I'm very happy to hear you are excited about this tool and I am too... It also does some other cool things like tell you how much each individual upvote is worth and of course monitors how your voting power and how long it will take you to re-charge...
@sighmanjestah knows about the other tools, so take his advice on that. I am still just learning things myself, but I try to share what I learn to help out the others. We are all on the same team in my opinion, so of course I want to help out my teammates.
I'm very glad you contacted me and we made a good connection @mike314-0005 (the hardest name to retype) :O ...jk :)
I hope we stay in touch and I'll be continuing to share the things I learn and I hope you can use a few of them. Also make sure to give me tips of things you know if you see it can help me, we are teammates so it works both ways! Thanks again and cheers
I know. That username was the first and worst rookie mistake I made :-)
We'll keep in touch!
hahaha... I have run into a few that have regretted their usernames... I'm glad I went the safe route lol :)... take care mike (I presume) and yes lets stay in touch for sure!
Thanks @davemccoy -This is a great tool. Thanks for sharing this information. I have just looked at mine and feel grateful. I am making progress. Have a great week.
Yes, it is a great tool and until I got it I wasn't sure exactly how I am doing. Now I don't have to wonder, so that's very very cool and drives me even more. I am glad you are making progress and I looked at your page and I definitely thing you're doing great!!!
Keep in touch with me and lets keep each other informed... we are not only teammates, we are also part of the same 2017 class of steemians
You are welcome @criptoes :) love the name and the pic... lol
I love this @davemccoy.. Always looking forward to your quick tips. Keep steeming... Hugs!
Thank you Carol, I'm happy you like it. How are you doing in your first few day? Do you have a headache yet? lol
ps... I see your "reputation" score is moving higher and higher, you must be doing something right ;)
hahahahahaha headache, not yet dave... i think i will struggle trying to 'write' content cos by nature, am not a blogger.. more of a public speaker...
I told myself, let's do 1 content per day and see how it goes... although i dun get lots of upvotes... but it's like keeping a journal... i needed that!
it takes time to get the upvotes because it takes time to build a following, but you have a very good personality (I can tell by your introduction post) and obviously talented, so it will happen if you keep with it.
I keep putting out tips and pointers since I've been here to keep everyone trying to understand how the pieces work and then fit together. I have no doubt the potential and that someone of your caliber will get there. Its a balancing act trying to weigh doing too much and too little, so my philosophy is to let the water seek its own level.
But I'm here to help you in any way. If you get frustrated or don't "see the potential" for your future here, then let me know. I will change those thoughts. You'll see as time goes what the opportunity really is if things go the way I think they can.
Glad you played my little game too... I saw your answer but I don't want to reply over there so that everyone else can chit-chat amongst themselves. But I'm glad you played :)
This is brilliant Thanks very much for posting this. Nice little bookmark now to keep checking what's due. And for setting goals. Now to keep on putting out content and getting to know the community...Which always takes time but is so worth it.
Exactly @jongolson... I'm glad I found it. Its very useful and the voting meter works good too (it tells you when you will be fully recharged)... I'm glad you commented, we're connected now. Have a great week ahead and stay in touch.
I'm sure people like me will be obsessing over this.
Thanks for the info.
Me too @mikeycolon lol... I keep it open in another browser window and check many things on it. It also tells you what each person's exact upvote value is. Thats also a pretty cool feature that I haven't seen anywhere. Thanks for the comment, I've now connected to you. I hope to see you around and keep that monitor on ;)
This is great !!
I agree @vladivostok, it is very helpful to me... Thank you for making the comment and I am now connected to you too!
So much better than the page I was using before. It's a must have!! Following you !!
Sir dave great work . U r my teacher on steemit hahaha . Sir now a days i m in tourble help me in sorting haha
hey annie32 I am happy to be that, but just as happy to be your classmate! I stopped by your page yesterday and it seems like you are starting to do real well.. How can I help you? I don't want you to be in trouble :)
Another great and helpful post!!
Sorry I havent been round the past few days - been getting ready to go back to work today :( Reality is setting in!
This was super helpful - I have been using steemworld, but havent used all its features yet - didnt know this feature was there! Thanks again as always!!
I know the feeling, I had that hit me earlier this week. I still find time to squeeze in a little though, especially at night ;) ... I'm glad you liked it and I did notice you were away, so don't be a stranger too long because we need each other as time goes :)
Yeah I'm trying my best to fit steemit in as much as possible. Currently replying while I'm at work oops :P
Hope work is going well for you so far this year!!
haha... I won't tell ;)
Its going great so far, but only 4 days... lol
Thanks a lot for this! I like how organized all metrics are. I was using which is also good but I think I'll try this from now on :)
You're welcome and thank you for giving me a tip on I'm going to go check that out now because maybe there's a secret over there you are using to beat me... lol
Always happy to see you wanderlass and just keep your eyes open in the next few days because I'm going to be showing how to calculate returns on the cool services like @bumper. You will really light on fire if I can teach you how it works. So keep your eyes open. ;)
Thanks @davemccoy I have tried bumper which led me to experiment on some voting bots. It did boost my post to a higher value (not much) but I'm having a dilemma in using these services. One person told me it's frowned upon while another person told me that it's really your best chance to succeed. Of course, I only used it on recent post that I've worked on for hours, but still I don't know what will be my take on it. What do you think of bots? - or maybe that can be your future topic for us :D
PS. Your posts looks like a whale's post with the amount of thoughtful comments. It always takes me time to look for my comment haha but that's a good sign :)
lol... I can chit chat online, that's for sure ;)
First I am taking you through the process step by step. So have no fear I will get you to where you understand this.
Second, it is good to experiment, but make sure when you do so you monitor the results. I have experimented with other bots too and so far there are only 2 that are as close to the deal that @bumper offers. There are many though, so as long as you pay attention and track then it is not a bad thing to do.
Third, the reason why you want to track what the value of each upvote is because that will tell you what is a "good deal" and what is a "bad deal". You know how much you spend, now you have to know exactly what the value of the upvote was from that purchase. You can find that infomation here in the feed ... In the account operations section scroll down until you see the hit from bumper or flagship. (note if have any trouble finding it just message me back and I can do it quickly)
Fourth, I believe that as long as the bots exist and steemit is ok with them, then it is in everyone's interest to do what they think is best. I personally have no problem with using them because they exist and aren't banned by the community. I would just be open an honest about the fact that you use them if anyone ever ask you. In fact, obviously I'm using them and telling you about them because services like @bumper are ways for us to fight back because we couldn't ever compete against the big bots with out their help.
Finally, you need to get this concept understood in your mind because I have more information to reveal when you are ready for it. We have just started in what this concept can do and you have no idea how this is going to propel you even higher than you can imagine.
So after you read this you need to do three things:
Remember, tell me if you understand things or not, I'm here to help you and trying to do it at your own pace.
"pps.. hows that for chitchat" lol
Wow, thank you for your time in giving me a detailed instruction. Actually, right now my brain's really slow because I haven't had enough sleep. I promise to re-read the post when I'm all ready @_@
About the bots , thank you for your wisdom! I appreciate you answered it with much objectivity. I have asked others and it seems a sensitive topic and they can be defensive on whatever they stand they have.
OMG, makes me more excited! But I have to recover my sleep first haha (but i saw your post about @surpassinggoogle - we, Pinoys, love him! - so will read that before I hibernate)
lol... glad you are getting your sleep ;)
Just let me know when you're ready... night night!!!
Hi @davemccoy I looked it up and here are my numbers (not sure though if you're referring to these):
Flagship 47% ($1.02 or 3.48 USD)
Payout $9.87
Bumper 23% ($1.36 or 4.64 USD)
Payout $12.13
I sent 0.5 SBD for each posts. :)
I also tried to use the formula from your other post. And if I was doing it right then pay out for the above would be 3.7 SBD and 4.54 SBD respectively plus a tiny steem below 1. That sure is a lot from the 0.5 that I spent. Thank you! :) I also like the spreadsheet btw
Steemworld is such an awesome tool! I’ve been using it every day since I found it.
I agree completely... from this tool to the power meter to the feed that easily show your upvote values. I very happy its there and we should all time our hat to @steemchiller for building it.
ps... II love your username lol, its something I would use!
Wow thanks for the info ! @davemccoy super useful I’m gonna try this out later :)
yes check it out , you will really like it!!! :)
I stumbled across this amazing little tool after reading one of your previous posts, 'voting power and how to check it'. You're absolutely right, it's a really great motivator and especially encourages curation (not that I don't do it out of the goodness of my heart anyway), it's fast becoming my most played with to upvote and resteems. 😉
See I told you weren't a dumb blond, you "get it" better than almost everyone I've run across. (I had to leave some wiggle room for my other teammates that I don't want to get upset with me) lol ;)
Did you see episode 3 yet? As the show's biggest fan I have to make sure to keep you entertained :)
Godammit @davemccoy, you uncovered my secret weapon. Better to be underestimated, that way you'll not disappoint and, if necessary, they'll never see you coming. 😜 I'm going to check out episode 3 shortly, although you'll know when I have, I expect, from the enthusiastic commenting.
lol... always a pleasure, you make me laugh!
Me too. I love it when I bump into someone with a sense of humour as wicked as mine. 😆
Hey @davemccoy,
Keep making great post. this is really help, I couldn't able to figure it out, like how it actually work, what actually I'm looking at and so on. I really approve this.
Ganna be honest, sometimes if I'm stuck or just wanted to gain more knowledge about steem, I would just go to your blog and scroll thru if i got the time 😂.
Btw, do you by anychance understand about vests?

As I found out from steemworld, that there's something delegate vests.
I'm very unsure
If you do had post 1 before, please link it to me. thanks 😁
I am glad you like Erza, I'm going keep helping you while you become a star here. ;)
I welcome you to always look through my blog or ask any questions at any time. I write some of these things with you in my mind to explain it.
On the vests, I'm not completely clear yet, but I know they are what you get when you get a pay out. Click this link and go down to the "account operations feed" :
Find one of your author payouts and open it up. It will tell you how many vests that reward earned you. I think that is how they calculate your Steem Power, but I'm not certain yet...
I will do an article about it at some point for sure... I can't remember if you have used @bumper yet... Have you or have I told you about it? If you haven't you should, its easy. If you do it once it will be easier to explain how it works. So if you did it, let me know what the upvote was (from that feed I just gave you the link to). If you didn't, then tell me and I will send you directions on how to do it.
Hi,I've been using bumper ever since u told me about it. Thx
I was thinking tho, is it really worth it? As i remember that the amount that i claim are not the same payout amount. Maybe you can help me to explain in this regards?
yes, exactly what I wanted to do next with you so that you understand. Go to the link I sent you above and look for the bumper or flagship hits... and tell me two things about each "submission"
give me what it was and I will show you why it is a good deal and why you want to continue to do it. I need to show you with your own numbers though
Well.... i do get 3x the amount... i did 0.1 2-3 times.... and i do glad it 3x... so i did 0.5 in the last 2 blog of mine...
cool.. check out my new blog if you have any questions about it... and you should always check the feed at steemworld to see what kind of hits you are getting... as long as you are getting 3x in my opinion it is a good deal that grows you little by little and it helps.
Here is the latest article, ask if you have any questions or I wasn't clear:
Should i concerne that bumber vote is 1.23 or 1.33 when i already transfer 0.5 and was expecting 3x... i mean.. yea it is more.. but... it should be 1.5 before.. suddenly it going down.... and i will check the link
its dropped because the drop in price of both steem and sbd... And you don't need to be concerned but when it drops like that it may not make too much extra... This is the first day day I have seen it drop and its dropping everywhere because I guess that is what happens when the price in the market drops...
But to give you some context so you can understand out of the .50 sbd you sent in, you might get only .47 sbd and .09 SP... this isn't bad, it just means you didn't make very much... But you still basically get your money back with a small profit...
The way you will tell is when you get your final payments... you will see them come out all over the place... You can go to my wallet
and check out all my bumper tests (over 150) and I've done very well over all... Also to see how I have done on each payout by going to my author rewards page : you can see all the ones that are close to .50 sbd and those are all the ones I sent in .50 sbd.. I'll send you some screen shots to show you the bad ones to ease your fears (here)
and the good ones here:
And yes read my article, it will explain it a little more... bottom line it is helpful and you will be happy when you see enough of them... and when you understand it completely, you will completely get what to do...
Right now I'm trying to take you through steps, one by one, so that you can fully grasp how it works. Once you understand this phase then I will explain how it works big-time in the long run...
So let me know you have seen this and ask me questions too... I want you to get it.
and make sure to read my article about it...
also I'm reposting in a second comment back to you because this box is gettting very small hahaha
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