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RE: Steemit: The Anti-Social Network

in #steemit6 years ago

You are completely correct. They just "use" that buzzword to make them feel justified. What they are "really" doing is taking the RCs and allocating them to the big boys so they can lease them and make money. I'm done with them, this is over the top.


Are you leaving the platform?

I am not "leaving" as in never logging in. But I am now concerned that this place will never be more than a niche site. I will stay checking in as long as I have friends here, but my enthusiasm and respect for Steemit is basically close to the 0 line right now.

I've never been in it for the money, but I did want to help others to use it for that purpose. Now I have big doubts as to whether it will happen, so I will put a lot less energy into that part of it.

So short answer is: no, I'm not leaving... at least not yet anyways!