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RE: Steemit: The Anti-Social Network

in #steemit6 years ago

hahaha... that's actually more descriptive:

"We don't care if you're social, we just want your money " network

And yeah dude those new RCs are dope (not sure if I used it right)... But the logic they are using must be the next version of Common Core... So CC2 for short! :P

As for the fight, its not my platform so I am just a very unhappy user, but have no influence over the outcome. I will certainly chime in and speak my mind going forward though, and as far as my hope for this to be a good long term platform, they've gone about as close to 0 as it can get without actually being 0. I have no faith in the management, top 20 witnesses, or frankly most long termers (not counting Asher or FTG). This is either an arrogant view of the quality of their platform or a complete disregard for the right to speak freely. Either way I'm completely turned off and my time here was "wasted" trying to help others.

I will continue to post and work with my friends, but at this point I have no faith that things will change and to hell with the people in power.


I've been pretty much saying this all along—I'm not that thrilled at all with what's been going on, and each opportunity to improve relations between 'us and them' seems to get squandered somehow. And yet, I'm still here, still plugging away, trying to do what I can for myself and by extension others and trying to stay out of the useless or senseless funk that seems to get me every so often.

I don't know what to do about new newbies. I don't know what to do about people who haven't grown that much in the six to nine months they've been here. I've spent most of my time trying to engage, upvote and post, and I've spent money that I frankly don't really have to get me to a point where I apparently can do what I need to do. Most people haven't done the latter, because they can't, choose not to, don't trust STEEM with any length of pole, don't want to get divorced, etc.

So, I could start powering down, but as lousy as a ride that hard fork was and still is, it was a major change, too. And we've yet to see the full impact of it, good or bad. My upvotes have been increasing even though the price of STEEM has more or less been sideways with a downward trend, which I actually like.

So, as much as I can say there's plenty of negative going on, there's still these glimpses, some of them bigger than that, of brilliance and sparks of hope. Does that constitute enough to keep going? Maybe, for now. Does it make me happy? No. Am I not leery of the next shoe to drop? Of course.

But it's never a zero sum game and so here I am weighing everything in my brain that would much rather use its memory and storage for writing, rather than strategy calculations. I've got nowhere else to go that's going to be any better at this stage, and given that one of the projects is from the same guy that abandoned this one, I'm not sure that's the one I'll be running to, since the same kinds of control issues seem to be popping up there now.

I think everyone is suffering from not taking this platform seriously enough, while expecting everyone else to do it. It's like abdicating one's adulthood to the infants in hopes of doing whatever the heck you want. There's blame enough to go all the way around and back quite a few times.

You described the way I feel almost exactly. I am not happy with the direction, nor with the way in which they "engage" us (or don't)... But at the same time, I'm still here. Sure I'm not posting as much, and I definitely don't have any faith in them, but I still manage to show up every day on do something here. I wouldn't say its because I have any "hope" anymore, but more because I have friends and people that I actually do like. If we can find ways to navigate this place that makes it worthwhile, then I will continue to do so.

I don't want to talk anyone into leaving... In fact the opposite is true. I want to talk the decision makers into encouraging us to stay. (and by us, I don't mean me but rather all of us minnows)... Unfortunately they are up on the pedestal and so out of tune with the real world that its almost comical. And sadly many of the people that they would normally listen to are telling them that everything is ok. (The King Without His Clothes comes to mind)

I do notice some of the good things that have happened and was content leaving things alone until I saw how pitiful the new person has it. An average of 1 comment a day isn't going to make this a very sticky platform. But as we've talked before, the people that reside at the top feel that Steemit is just a beta platform and the real money will be made when the crypto goes nuts over their awesome technology. I honestly don't know if this is true or just more bluster about the future. I do know that since I've been here there are tons of "coins" that seem to have passed them in price and respect, but heck maybe they just haven't got the word out to the right people yet.

Its good to chat with you Glen and glad we somewhat agree on this basic point about the new newbies. Its always great to know that you and I share a similar point of view!

As much as I want this to be a social media platform, it's an investment platform. And while I wonder why someone isn't coming up with a cutting edge social media interface, rather than clones of every other social media site, the emphasis is going to be on the underlying technology of the blockchain, and what it can do to lure in the big money. The rest of us, those without the millions or billions, we're just the useful idiots.

I've never considered myself one of those before, since I've been watching and observing how many different sides in life have them, but here I am, being one. I'm not a STEEM evangelist, or an apologist, I haven't tried to sell anyone on it, though I've tried to explain it when people ask me what I'm doing, but I can't bring myself to recommend it while it's still the wild west, still under construction flying at Mach 3 and insisting that everyone conform to a ridiculous number of social norms while learning the entire gambit of post-Einsteinian computations. The transparency is misplaced too much on the inner workings of the numbers and not enough on just what the heck they're trying to do here.

People are lured in for the money they can make playing around on a social media platform, when in reality, that's not it at all. And now, they can't even do that anyway, so maybe they'll just start flat out telling people, whoever they are, that you need to bring your check book so you can pay after you get in the door, rather than doing that in advance. It's the ultimate in game pay wall.

Hi, Nice summary of the problems posed by Steemit. It had an identity of a social media platform but that is incorrect. Some may call it bogus but i would not go as far.

It is all about the money and always has been. if the lure is in making money, how can you not tell people that they need to invest. Once invested, how does it matter whether you post or not? Delegate and be done with it.

I have said many times that this is like shareholding. the more you invest the more you stand a chance of gaining some wealth. Do not dwell what you post for that has no meaning. If not for the well intention-ed efforts of some groups like Curie, it would be incredibly depressing for content creators.

A stock bourse masquerading as a social network seems the best approximation. The funny thing is that most of the early investors kept on urging people to post and that they would be rewarded. Also, they told us about the fact that it was a social network and you needed suitable skills to come good.

Gradually all pretenses were dropped and it was made clear that your money is the only thing that was important. Once that realization hit me, it has become very difficult to post articles on Steemit. I started with much hope and frankly nowadays i just watch things go by

Hey, @adarshh.

Yep. There's been a lot of misleading marketing and public relations going on, but not all of it can be laid at the feet of Steemit Inc. It's too bad that people have been taking it upon themselves to hype STEEM in a way they think is best, but they've just made it worse through false expectations, if they've managed to do anything at all.

So, there's not one coherent and accurate message, and the ones that exist are basically selling snake oil.

There was a time for a short month or so where people were making nice rewards on posts on Steemit. Way before we showed up, though. But more people and changes in payout curves and other alterations have pretty much diluted that, along with STEEM prices.

So, here we are. The question becomes, what do we do going forward.

I've been in the exact same mindset as you. I've had help—my wife's hernia surgery, recovery and the subsequent hard fork and updates all made it tough to do anything. But then my brain was wondering What's the point? well before that.

It still doesn't have the solution.

I've made the investments I can. Unless STEEM gets supercheap, I won't be investing anymore. We're talking less than $0.50 USD and probably closer to $0.25 USD. Even then, I won't be able to do a whole lot, though. And in reality, I'm done with STEEM being under $1. It's time for it to soar like it can and is meant to soar. All of these other alt coins, people just need to get real.

An investment platform that allows you to blog, vlog, livestream, post from your phone and other things. Soon, there will be more to do, when SMTs hit. That should be the pitch, or something like it:

STEEM—We're bootstrapping a global digital economy. Come join us. Socialize and earn fractions of STEEM in the process. And bring a few hundred bucks with you, if you can. You're going to need them. :)

All of this is very well said and I think your analysis is impressive. This is not a social platform and is an investing platform. Period.

I think they will regret this restriction on the comments to the new newbies. I think they will change it once they realize the mistake, but how many good people will leave in the process.

If you ever decide to go, please make sure you say good-bye. You and some of my other friends are the reason I show up here every day. I don't blame anyone for thinking this isn't a good use of their time, I just hope I get a chance to say good-bye if they decide to leave.

Thanks for the comments and the very well reasoned points.

Well, I don't have any plans to go anywhere, and feel that those who can still function should also stay. The rest who can't function as is will need some help. Maybe we can figure that one out, too. Regardless, there's nowhere else to go that I can see so far that's going to be any better.

But if I do ever go, I will make sure you know. :)

It's more likely that I will end up getting a job and thus having my time on STEEM restricted if anything does happen. I actually do enjoy writing and commenting and curating. It just needs to be more financially rewarding, and that means prices need to go up, and that probably means people need a reason to invest so the prices do go up, and so far, they don't have enough of a one. In fact, they may have more reasons not to. It's difficult to know what effects or doesn't effect the decisions of investors. I don't think they think the same way I do, and to a great degree, I don't really think they care about the social media aspects of the blockchain.

If it's fast, stable, scalable, and well managed tops that priority list, and of course, what kind of video game like returns can they get on their investment? :)

Great, that's awesome to hear :) ... And I will definitely do the same if I ever decide to leave!

I think you have a great grasp on the issues and I'm happy that you are able to share them on this thread so people can see them! Keep it up and always a pleasure my friend!