You do not fight the 'market'(your potential audience) , you produce services/products/content that it determines. Observe, study, learn: - you will discover patterns, which you can eventually "predict". My experience is you do not have to "figure things out" and guess what to write/produce etc. Simply observe. Listen.
What is Hot/Trending/Active/upvoted/Commented on? Provide THIS. That is what the market/your audience wants.
Secondly, cultivate and grow relationships with your audience. Treat them like family/your best friend/your dog/a plant that needs watered every day. Your first 10 audience are your primary 'sales-team'. Follow everyone who follows you. Upvote their posts, comment, say hello. Watch what happens :)
Third, invest in yourself. Doesn't need to be money. Read, study, learn, get a mentor or two.
I suggest this question, which I ask myself on a regular basis. If you are not willing to invest in yourself, why should anyone else invest in you?
The hard work/road to getting there is an Investment in our future selves , not a Cost.
What a great post! Thank you for very good advice! I wish I could upvote it more than once