
나는 당신의 글을 게시하는 것을 좋아합니다. 포스트는 좋습니다. 나는 많은 팬들이되고 싶어. 좋은 아티스트가 되려면 이념을 성취하는데 당신의 지원이 필요합니다. 너 한테 도움이 필요해.

Thanks for sharing @davidding

Another strategy might be to invest a small amount like the cost of a week's worth of cups of coffee in all the currencies when they are really really cheap, and then forget about them for a year, and see what they are doing. I'm sure some will be more successful than others...and if it only cost the price of a coffee, we won't get too emotional if any of them are not so successful?

your blog is superb liked your post too much