If you are not so into movies, you might not understand the whole hype about BLACK PANTHER. I am an ardent movie lover, but I am not just excited about BLACK PANTHER because of my passion for movies. BLACK PANTHER is more than just a movie. It is a cultural statement that seeks to bring a paradigm shift to the African / Black narrative. I will explain.
When the continent "Africa" is mentioned in Western countries, what mostly comes to mind is a continent full of Third World countries that are riddled with poverty and corruption, occupied by primitive people who are strangers to civilization. Believe it or not, in this present day some "educated" white folks still ask Africans in the diaspora if we truly live on trees and of course, we have not forgotten the alleged "shit - hole" comment by President Trump.
When the race "Black" is mentioned in Western countries, people that mostly come to mind are gang - bangers, fraudsters, drug - dealers, dead - beat dads, single mothers, school drop - outs and the likes.
Despite the fact that the US recently had a black President, and that there are so many smart, rich and successful Africans/ Blacks all over the world in different spheres of life, the story of the hunt has always favoured the hunter.
BLACK PANTHER seeks to change all that and I will tell you how shortly ...
(To Be Continued)