great post - i am impressed and you do write well. I have been here 2 weeks today and haven't found my niche yet. I have posted my music and paintings but they don't really so much. I will read the tools you linked.
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Hey man, I really appreciate the ongoing support. I posted a lot of my creative work early too, but I think if you let people see the man beyond the music, then they will connect with the music more. My suggestion is to use the passion for music and painting to find common threads that transcend the arts. Then tell about those experiences. That might be a good way to get people to connect. I hope that helps. Thank you again. I will go and check out some of your work too. I like to paint. Thanks!
thanks that does help and helps me find a way to keep posting - i will reveal a little more of me and stop hiding behind my art. Your a good writer and i enjoy your content -thanks for thinking about how i can improve here - i just had a look at and i see i am 50% from commenting and %50 from authoring.