Facebook is STILL Not Paying Me...

in #steemit8 years ago

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How Much Am I Worth To Facebook?

This is a question that keeps running through my mind over the last month or so since I jumped into Steemit with both feet. Looking at your contributions with a dollar value attached can have positive and negative effects. It is positive to get paid for things but also makes you think about why you are not getting paid for other things!
The ole double edged sword.

So I did a quick search (as I am sure many have done before me) to see what I could find. I ended up with a pretty good article from The Guardian posted here making some interesting claims:

DATED: Jan 28, 2016

During the Facebook earnings call on Wednesday, the social network revealed that it now has 1.59 billion users that visit it on a monthly basis...

I am no math wiz but that does seem to blow Steemit out of the water! YIKES... definitely marketshare for us in that area. 😁

So this article is over a year old but how much was I worth?

You may be surprised to hear that a US or Canadian user is worth $13.54 each quarter to Facebook, while someone in the Asia-Pacific region is only worth $1.59 to the social network.

I am a US user and in 2016 my value to Facebook was around $54 to them. Of course that is average and a heavy user might be worth 10x that. I have to admit that I thought I was worth a lot more. It makes sense though, with 1.59 billion users it might cut my little corner of influence down quite a bit on the platform.

Where To Now?

It turns out that even with the decrease in value of my posts on Steemit, I am on my way to being worth more to this platform than I am to Facebook. Steemit has already paid me more than Facebook every has OR EVERY WILL! More importantly though I am creating value for other users through my actions of engaging and liking their content. Some of you are creating HUGE amounts of value for others! (Take that FACEBOOK!)

This feels great! Even with the decrease and movement of value in STEEM and the distribution of the rewards leveling it is still an amazing thing to experience and be a part of.

I want to leave you with two thoughts of encouragement if I can:

1)Remember You GIVE Value!

Every upvote, every engagement and every follow that you do is giving value to other users. It is not increasing the pockets of some company. It is not going to investors or big companies or ad campaigns. It is going to your peers. It is building up the value of each other.

2)You GET Value!

The awesome part is you don't have to do anything special to be on the receiving side of this! You are getting value. Even value that changes and is sometimes low. I firmly believe that every contribution and distribution of STEEM to the community increases the value of the community. You can focus on why some other post or person got more than you or you can enjoy the idea of the community growing. You can focus on the idea that it is working! When you create value (and in the Steemit world this is subjective), you get rewarded. Keep creating value.

Sorry Facebook. 👎


Facebook is a corporation. Never heard any corp paying anything to the people who built it. In this case the users of Facebook not share-holders because they really hadn't done anything. Look at Google's recent court trial.

True. I understand that by using Facebook you are not becoming a business partner or share holder with them. But at the same time you are the product and provide the revenue they need to create the business.

Do I think they owe me anything? Nah. Was never part of the deal. Now that I know there are other options can I make different decisions? Yes.

So true and an awesome find @daynewright

I have, like many also, a Facebook account, among other social networking sites, and will enjoy how #steemit gives individuals the opportunity to meet, share, and give others the ideas and help to continue and expand the things they like, love, and enjoy in life! Have a great day.

Great post Dayne, we all feel miserable about fb. My friend @thinkagain strongly described what's going on in his last post. I wish all social networks become like steemit.

How one is not paying for milk when they are being given the cow for free. This seems to be where the old ways of giving your content away and not knowing it has a value are at a crossroads of awareness. Knowledge is still power. Steem power in this case.

Facebook is a corporation and corporations at the end of the day care to profit only for themselves off the back of others. I am so happy that Steemit is here giving us the freedom to collaborate with each other in a society where we can all profit for ourselves without corporate slavery and interference. This is social FREEDOM!

I'm rarely on facebook. There's no earning potential and very few useful posts there.

What is facebook lol