
Just take a look at all the new articles being published each second... It's impossible to read all of them. And you'll miss out on a bunch of superb articles if you don't read all of them 24/7... - And that's why it's important to find a good time frame to publish your own posts. To get as much exposure as you can.

The real question is, if this is true, would STEEMit allow for a Delay Publish option so that people could pick when their articles were published?

I think @fyrstikken requested this feature about 11 months ago. Much due to the nights and days he had to be up to publish content "at the best time". Way back in the days that is. They never implemented such a feature. I can't say why though. - However, (I believe?) have recently made such a feature available. Or is about to do it.

I can't keep up with all the ways I have to do things outside of STEEMit for STEEMit to work best for me inside of STEEMit.