I think It's Funny How Some People Cirticize What We Post

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Okay, this isn't a rant speech, nor is it a hateful conclusion. I just feel I'm seeing, more and more, people on Steemit telling others "your posts aren't good enough, do this to make them better." Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for self improvement and personal growth, but I can't help but think that some of these guys might just be upset that there are formulas that work on here for certain people, and they may not work for everyone.
And I feel like we're all co-workers here. Kindred spirits who aim to learn and grow from one another. So to stick to my K.I.S.S. philosophy (Keep It Simple Stupid), I'm just gonna go ahead and end it here by saying, we're all friends here, and we all have at the very least similar goals in mind, so if you see activity that you don't particularly like, allow that individual to find their own spiritual path in their own adequacy. The trail which others are going down will hardly ever stop or slow you down on your own personal journey, so why even comment about the actions that others take?
If it's not offensive, or harming anyone, allow them to post, comment, communicate, and distribute their Steem power however they so well desire. I'm specifically talking about people who make statements such as: "I see that you're interactions with people are lacking. Perhaps you should engage in more meaningful communications, and I think your network will become stronger..." blah, blah, etc.

Again, there's nothing at all wrong with constructive criticism, and helpful feedback, but I think some Steemians are doing just fine with navigating this online world without all of the opinionated advice, and chastising. Let's all work together to help make each other feel more special in this world, and meaningful. 😊

Chadbourne, out ✌🏽


"That face you make When a coworker doesn't stop complaining... meme - Kevin Hart The Hell (54318) • MemesHappen." Memes Happen Meme Generator. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2017.

"Correction Guy - stop giving advice when none is ..." Memegenerator.net. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2017.