Well it's official, I'm going full time on Steemit.
With all the issues with Youtube I figured I'm going to make the big move to doing steemit the right way and focusing on doing good content. I'll be streaming here still but my main place for data is going to be steemit.
I really love how the platform is working and I look forward to making myself all steemit all the time. When I can get dlive.io figured out good it's going to be amazing.
Much love to @fulltimegeek @frankbacon @allseeingewe
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/mannychaveziii
3301 Intel Group
Multi Streaming with https://restream.io
My Setup:
LG V20
Hp Omen 2017
Contact us at [email protected]
life dtube vlog video
▶️ DTube
If you need help figuring out dlive, please hit up my buddy @einarkuusk ... He knows the proper settings for all that stuff ...
Cool, I'll do that for sure. For some reason the Live streams disappear when im done
Defango when you figure it out then clue me in. I paid for an extra channel on Restream just to use DLive but I can't even figure out how to stream on there. I don't think I could ever be as big as that porno crypto girl on there, but I'd like to be in the running.
have you considered dedicating a portion of your show to groveling for viewers to Subscribe to your channel and also check out your Patreon? And for gods sake don’t ever forget to remind the audience that doing a show isn’t free and with the way expenses keep going up the present donation levels are hardly sustainable to keep it going. Then finish strong by shaming the audience.
That’s the kinda stuff audiences love, I think. Or maybe that’s what they hate, can’t remeber at the moment. Do you know? Well whichever it is, the point is if you can get em to love you then you’ll need to go get a wheelbarrow and rake just to keep up with all the cash they cheerfully throw at you.
@lifttheveil411 I know how to stream there I just don't know how to get the videos to save
Thanks for letting us know who can help with dlive trouble. I am wanting to get going on that platform as well and so I am so appreciative of knowing of someone I can ask for trouble-shooting! Thanks, FTG
Nice! I'd follow you and watch your stuff anywhere Defango - and although I dont create any content, I'm a vast consumer of it...so given Steemit & Dtube are the places to be to be able to make a good return on your invested time and efforts possible, well thats where you'll find me supporting you! You deserve the rewards of all your hard work over many years, so rock on Defango! Much love and many blessings from Australia.
Heck ya! But if you like to watch content you should Resteem things because you can earn on the content that you watch by promoting. There are some account on here that do that excursively and still do very well!
Fuck yeah dude!
I love steemit, can't thank you enough for pointing me in this direction. Been here 17 days now, folks seem to like what what I'm doing, I couldnt be happier and I owe it to you. Not saw any DTube stuff yet but will give it a try. Thanks again sir, will continue to upvote you, not much power yet, but I see myself here to stay
Hooray. Honestly F**K Youtube.
Bold move, Defango!! Totally inspiring!! I am wanting to do the same and am on the trajectory in that direction. Your example helps my momentum. Resteemed!
Welcome to the platform. I'm glad you seeing the benefit!!
Yay Defango!! Your spiitin truth causing glitches in the fiat. You are doing what logic would dictate and what your right brain has been telling ya for a while I bet.
L Steemit and @dtube on!
I just got on Steemit. Great to have a platform that's not censored and skewed with weird algorithms. Glad you're here!
Glad your choosing Steemit as your platform of choice, @defango! Following with interest. ✌💛
Cheers to this. I've done the same (though not from YT)!