Serenity gathering vacation

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I was out and about at serenity gathering in oakdale california! Sorru for not posting for a bit i had to take some time to enjoy some time in the forest with good people and great music#

Much love to all my steemit peoples and thank you for you support in life! Its amazing to be a part of a community that understands the struggle and is doing their best to make the future bright for the people!

I just needed some serenity now!


Word Manny! U Take good care.



OK... just gotta get your account loaded on a few lists.




Well I know that I’ve certainly done a lot for you and am pretty much the person that’s resppnsible for everything you’ve got so it is nice of you to thank me. It definitely means a lot. Yer ma and I worked hard to give ye what we could and while we all knows it tweren’t a lot by city folk standards it twere the best we could do. Things were tough after yer ma lost her strong arm in that accident with the thresher but we all digged in and made it work. The thresher I mean, not yer ma. Her workin days was done on account that her only arm she had left were that same arm what had been withered since birth. And when that same thresher ended up taking off her withered arm at the shoulder two harvest later why we knewd then it be a tough winter.