
Y’know what dude? I’ve just been going through the Trending page for the first time in a long time and I can’t believe how shit it has become in the 6 months since I decided I was done.
This platform is going in the wrong direction, I’ll miss your rants buddy but I don’t blame you, what could have been didn’t materialise, no-one needs a blockchain Facebook but sadly that’s what we have now, it saddens me.

You leaving was one of my driving forces to do the same in a way, the grinning 30 something year old faces can keep this place.
Last weeks second
"top trending" article was Jerry Banfield talking about sucking his own dick.
Is that as good as it gets here? I guess so when you can buy a vote.
I will never forget a stinc dev taking over $100 off you, that always left a bad taste in my mouth.

Have a $1100 post to look at, and then they wonder why we all left. smdh.

Yeah, Banfield is an asshat! What is he contributing, really?
That link you posted is indicative of the shit that has pervaded the platform. 1100 bucks for that shite most of which are bought and paid for votes sends out the wrong message to those who wish to create something worthwhile.

What a prize cunt! As far as the sting dev who flagged my last piece of work, he’s just a jealous, talentless hack with a superiority complex and delusions of grandeur but worse still he’s a bully using delegated power to suppress free speech of those who don’t have the sp to fight back. His attacks made no difference to me as I had powerful supporters to combat him and his pathetic band of followers however he has attacked many noble causes such as #familyprotection and #minnowsupportproject initiatives as well as those who wish to highlight the dangers of certain vaccination programmes.

What a prize cunt!

And that is why I liked you early on and still do, I hope to have a beer with you one day maybe, I am over here in sunny PL.

It’d be a pleasure mate. 👊😎're still hanging in here? Dude...thanks for the upvote on my vax thread. $110 on this thread, brother. You sure seem to have struck a chord.

Just about hanging in, I am writing no longer though, just upvoting people I like.

I know you gave me contact info, but u..dotted it out.. before I could write it down.

Who was that stinc dev? The scumbag who robbed you? Names please.

Take a break from Steemit for a few weeks, just don't leave!

Take a break from Steemit for a few weeks, just don't leave!

Shame you're leaving. I understand the platform has its problems, but I do appreciate many of the things you have to say.

Welcome to reputation 28, enjoy.
And thank you kindly.

don't go it is the wrong call I enjoy your post please I am begging you. Your post are funny don't.

Oh if you insist.

This is one of the first posts I ever saw on Steemit - $1318 payout!

Yes that post is utter crap isn't it?

That guy always buys big upvotes for his EOS adverts.

I think EOS is a scam.

But the thing about crap is that so long as you don't stand in it you can ignore it.

And if you buy a bunch of EOS and hold it until it gets promoted up to $15, and then sell it before it dives after it's release date (yes I did sell mine in May) you can even have good times with crap!

Yes it's a thing. People do actually buy and sell reddit accounts. The people who buy then are mostly using then for advertising. That way they can talk about their products or just spam something without reddit trying to stop you. When you get a decent amount of karma, reddit starts letting you post more in shorter periods of time without having to wait. Also just the reputation alone for some accounts can make the link reach a lot of people.

I was hoping you would still wright a post or two every now and then. Thanks for sharing with us for the time you have been here it has been like a breath of fresh air mate having you on steemit. Here is to new adventures for you. Hope one day i maybe able to catch up with you for a drink and chat sometime.

Lol.. I love your first paragraph. you're very good at writing. What's getting you fed up with steemit? Seems you don't believe newbies stand any chance of making it here. Anyway, we would love people like you to stick around. You're very real and also mixes your rants with some funny lines. You've gone very far to want to quit now, don't you think so?

Ah you see, I am the anarchist with no passport everyone else claims to be, and they drive me insane.
They claim it, they own it, they can keep it,
I will live it......

I stopped reading the anarchy thread....bunch of naive idiots that think they're a bit clever..
...good luck if we don't speak again, matey.

Always enjoyed speaking to you my friend, you are in my eyes very open and honest, and that is my kind of friend.
I have one post left in me, already in my head, I shall muse it down one day soon, you stay you bro, and enjoy that freedom you made.

You don't need to let anyone drive you insane. Everyone can't always have same views with you or support your views. We just have to be tolerant of one another

Oh please do not do the liberal tolerant view to me, I bite.

Oh please do not do
The liberal tolerant
View to me, I bite.

                 - deliberator

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That's true sir. Tolerance is a good virtue we all should develop because life is full of people that will always want to make us mad. It's going to help us bear with their observed inadequacies. Should you keep biting everyone that gets you mad, after a while you'll have no teeth or energy to bite any more because they are too many. That's why tolerance is needed

Sad to read this bro, you are one of the first I met here and of the few that I look for whenever I come, it looks like it's been sinking for a while, that fire that you carry inside can not be extinguished, once you have discovered certain things, you have to let it know somehow, I would like to keep in touch, your knowledge has a lot of value.

Why not hold onto your Steem and stop using the demo site? If it is possible for them (Steeminc) to make the SMT idea work and turn themselves from millionaires to billionaires it will be done. Just consider it a small part of your diversified portfolio. Plus, maybe you will realize how much you miss the good parts of Steemit (like our interactions) and realize that the ones poisoning this for you have no power over that.

Hey how much do you want for this account? Would you look here------> and tell @themarkymark why you decided not to invest in steemit and why you now don't even want to invest your time.

I want the exact amount in crappy fiat folding stuff, that I have in steem power on any given day, and he read my last few posts so knows already to be fair.
I also noticed his post 20 minutes ago, and did not comment, as I do not like having to resteem to do so.
so today that would be $1,245.65

You can comment and not enter the contest.
I thought it would be good for a real potential investor who decided against steemit, to explain it to one of the people who is behind one of the problems. ERR buildawhale
To hear it from the horses mouth so to speak might be more influential?

I think like I said before though, most of hem already know my thoughts, I have said it often enough on here, and saying it all over again makes no sense.

Sorry you are leaving, but I totally understand why. No explanation needed. Please continue on your endeavors to find truth and justice. To expose those that desire to hide and bring us down. 🐓🐓

I like your style gal, thank you kindly

Wrote something similar last night. Not nearly as eloquent as your post.

And for you saying that I am deeply honoured, as rich is real and writes some fantastic posts, one of the few on here, that is a real good egg as we say.

very nice and mind blowing, informative keep it up

i upvoted and commented you plz comment and upvote me also plz

Asking that, in this shitty place, will get you downvoted by loads of wankers here, I am not like "them" I shall give your blog a visit tomorrow, and if it is worth a vote I shall, if not I will not, thank you kindly.

Hello, very good content, I gave you a vote in favor, I hope you check my blog and give a vote in favor of my new publication, kisses

i'm so sorry to read that you're leaving this platform.have always followed what you post.

I think you are the only anarchist I know who really is one. I would miss you if you left. Leaving someone else to post under your name?
What gives me hope is in your title - (Account or Sale) - that if you were serious you'd have added the F so maybe the F (U?) is implied?

That will teach us. :) I love a good temper tantrum as you know.

So I guess it's final...
Thank you for everything.
With love and respect!
May the fortune be with you all times!

wait hodl here.. you're leaving??? I guess I'm reading your posts backwards, so off to the previous one now!

That bit hanging between your legs (or 3 bits) means realistically you are a dude.

And if anyone buys your account, they will not be @deliberator.

I understand where you are coming from, and you seem to be rather disappointed in what Steemit is/has become. I understand your disappointment, but I also get the vibe that you had high hopes for Steemit.

I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel, but I don't like how you are choosing to do it.

By selling your account, you are doing Steemit an injustice/disservice. Who in their right mind is going to follow an account purchased by someone else? Furthermore, anyone who would be interested in buying your account, would likely have the intentions to use it for exactly what you despise.

I personally will have no interest in following this account if you sell it. I follow @deliberator, not some fake impostor who is profiteering off someone else's work.

If you truly want to throw in the towel, why don't you just power down, leave, and let your account die? To me, this would be more respectable.

Please don't add to the dysfunction because of your frustration.

I hope you change your mind. I find quite a bit of solace in what you bring to the platform, and it would suck to see you go.

That is all I have to say. Good day to you sir.

You should hold on to your account and your coins. Just take an extended break. Steem is way undervalued. Steemit is pretty trash but anyone can come along and make a new platform just like Busy did (although Busy is trash as well).

The dumb way that the trending tab works isn't going to be like that forever. I say come back in a year and see what's up.

I've been gone a few days, so I missed some of your posts which I'll read after this comment my friend...I've been on a 'break' of sorts myself.

If I had the Crypto-Power, I'd buy your account just to hold it for you should you choose to return down the road; keeping it active.

Have you tried just taking a long break? Many of us would miss you if you disappeared forever...

You can find me here on my daughters account for now my friend.

Got it...In my Follow.

I saw a link to this post on the discord truth room and have just spent a few mins catching up on your recent posts. I agree with you about this place. It used to be better when I first joined 25 moons ago but gradually over time it has gotten worse and worse and Stinc, rather than trying to make things better appear to actually want it to be this way.

The trending page is a joke and when new users who are earning nothing from posts they have often spent hours writing see some bullshit post trending earning $1000 it hardly gives them encouragement to carry on.

In the beginning, it did appear as if @dan genuinely wanted to do something good with Steem/Steemit but after he left things started to go downhill. As usually happens, the greedy self-serving people have taken over and have turned something that could have been great into one big circle jerk. As in life, money/steem makes money/steem and if you don't have much you are going nowhere.

I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving as I enjoy reading your work but I am interested in your new investment. I will DM you on Discord for some more info.

As things continue to turn to shit in the UK and the thought of spending another 28 years sat at a desk watching life pass me by becomes more and more unbearable, you might wake up one morning to the sight of a family of four Brits asking to set a tent up in your garden in Portugal ;-) Anything has got to be better than this shit.

Take it easy my friend


Bro you can come and pitch that tent anytime you want, I am though in sunny Poland lol. You are a legend in your own right my friend, and I like your style.


woohooo! - my account probs sorted!

If you are still here, some good parting news - I'm sure you can appreciate more than most..

My earnings have definitely fallen off. The political conversation has completely changed as the insightful and interesting opinion pieces never "trend" or even get "hot. Spam has taken control.

I've noticed the #intformationwar regulars are little less vocal.

What alternative platforms are people using?

If you're still around, @deliberator, send me a msg so we can stay in touch. It's my name at protonmail. Make sure I'll know who's sending it, however you want to do that. Just saw this a shame to see ya leave, brother.