My main concerns and fears.
I have a private pension, and almost lost it last week, I will get it all back in 12 weeks though via court action, or more likely a settlement out of court, if both fail the government in the UK have to compensate, as I went through independent so called financial advisors
It is a protected pension, meaning I can draw it anytime I want after 50, also I am 51 now & 52 next month, so I am going to take half as a lump sum in 12 weeks, and invest the other half in another private pension, for my wife and daughters future.
I will be walking away with roughly 2.5 million £. And reinvesting the same into another pension.
I have everything I want in life, I need no more cars, I may buy more bikes though, as I like to restore them.
When I very first came onto steemit, I was going to invest heavily, though after joining I noticed the fight going on regards the crypto man and others, and as it was $12 sbd I thought I would wait to see what happened on both fronts.
Now I am 6 months in on steemit, and to be fair, no more sure than I was before that it is a good idea, allow me to tell you why. My thoughts, as it is my money and my investment anyway, not yours.
The network game!
To me this looks like more of a censorship game, disagree with me once and I cut off your funding (votes) is what I have seen, way to many people tip toe around here like they are walking on broken glass, bollox to that, say it the way you see it and say what you want.
I was raised, admittedly a long time ago, "with sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" I am not from the offended culture, and to be honest the culture offends me, but you know, I will get over it and survive.
Another thing that drives me nuts is the bots thing, all the people without the power to get rid of them, telling everyone else not to use them, even when it might benefit the people using them, that is like saying go over there and self harm, as I am telling you to.
The way I view steemit now, is I have to build up my own stake, because nobody else is going to do it for me right? and that is the way it should be, so no matter what I have to do, to do that, I should do that, not only me, so should YOU. I have looked back on loads of peoples accounts on here on steemd, and most of them did the same, they self voted on posts, they grew their own stake by doing it.
So if I put 1 million $ in here or 2, and make max 4 posts a day, and upvote them 4 posts 100% then give 600% in upvotes through out the day to other authors and commentators, I would consider that fair play, would you? I doubt very much I would or will do 4 posts a day, that is a rarity, not an average you see, 2 would be more likely, leaving 8 x 100% for others and 2x 100% for me.
In no way is this me asking anyone's permission to do what I want with my pension, as it is mine to play with.
This is in part a response to a post here
Here are a few thoughts I will lay down right here right now on the block, my block, our block.
For me to invest on here in a big way, would take a shift in attitudes, one that stops demonizing bidbot users via posts, via opinions and via pushing this bias onto users, whilst not taking on the bidbot owners, it is like getting angry with a drug user, and not his dealer.
For anyone not liking or wanting bots, no matter who they are, take it up with the correct people that can change the code via a hard fork, stinc and witnesses?
Stop telling people how to run their accounts would be number 2, there would be no reason for anyone having multiple accounts if people could truly do what they want with no criticism. It also pertains to my earlier point about people walking on broken glass.
My best friend in life and me, have never seen eye to eye, we have never agreed on a single bloody thing, and it is healthy, he balances me, and I balance him, we find a middle ground, even if we never say it. WE DO. I can sit and have beers with him for 10 hours, arguing the toss about life, about anything, and walk away with a smile, it is called being flexible, and in a world full of rules, getting more rigid by the day, the world needs more of that.
I will put my money where my mouth is, and I will put it in here, if there are some subtle changes, as above.

If you are thinking about investing in SP here is what I would do if I were in your shoes:
Invest around 10% today.
If price goes up, that is great.
If prices goes down to lets say $1, invest another 3-5%
If the price goes even lower, lets say to $0.75, invest more, again 3-5%.
When the bull run goes on its way, and lets say price reaches old time highs or gets nearby, start powering down the amount which equals your investment +10% and leave the rest to work for you as a source of income.
And about self votes. I believe that every single person here on steemit knows that there are no regular steemit users, who are spending their valuable time on steemit not for their own wealth but for community.
Communism was a bad idea. Lenin, Stalin, Marx and Engels were wrong!!!
Manage your funds at your own risk, tastes and preferences and those who spread this bullshit philosophy about the so called "rules" about reward pool and fairness may gently fuck off.
Best reagards,
I believe you wouldn't mind if I resteem your post and I will do so. :)
LOL you just gave me my first good laugh of the day, in a nice way.
Thank you kindly for the good advice and for making me smile.
Have a great week.
if you want to invest in one of these three projects, you are welcome to contact me:
Great post - I'll make sure it gets over $1 soon, so long as you bet me $10 that it won't!
When I first started out on Steemit and my vote was worth 1/10th of a cent, I used to upvote all my own comments so that they would get up to the top and someone would notice them. Two big accounts unfollowed me and gave me shit for self voting.
On the one hand I think anyone who doesn't upvote their own posts 100% is a moron, but on the other I am still scared to upvote my own comments because somebody might pack a sad .
If I want to boost my comment up I use other accounts. As you know I've just started another account because I am a gimp.
Agreed on the first point and “fuck em in the ear” on the second!
Sadly I see no change in the immediate future, powerful bullies who get butt hurt if you don’t agree with them or follow ‘their’ arbitrary rules have ruined the platform.
The ‘no censorship’ myth has been well and truly debunked.
TP, where the bloody hell have you been at? you were one of my fav authors when I arrived here, then silence?
Fuck the bullies time, it is time to fix shit instead, you all in or all out?
I resisted the urge to reply as I didn’t want to go on a public tirade, however I’ve just read and commented on your latest post.
The reason for my silence since February is the flagging bullshit that is ruining the platform. I have lost the desire to write with the ever increasing army of flaggers determined to stifle free speech.
The flag is a good idea for abuse/plagerism etc however (ironically) the flag system is being abused by zealots who constantly opinion flag anything they don’t agree with.
They’re clearly pathetic losers however it paints a poor picture of Steemit to new users and those looking to invest thier fiat.
It’s a sad state of affairs.
I could not agree more, it is though still very much a shame to not see your brilliant posts any more, when I look at trending now it makes me want to vomit, at least when it was you, v4vapid and percey flaws it was worth looking at trending, sad times.
Thanks "gimp" but the bet is now off.
P.S. You sort of ish inspired this post. :-)
What kind of loser would "tip toe around here like they are walking on broken glass"?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no fucking idea bro. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And if some evil prick uses a bot (possibly the worst bot of the lot) to upvote your post 50 cents as part of his insane experiment - that makes you party to his voting crime so you should be punished...
LOL you crazy fucker from another country closely related to? mine. :-)
We must worship according to what that god guy says...

I sort of snide ish edited in $100 now lol, you up for it lol.
Buildawhale huh? - they are in my top 5!
This discussion is getting very interesting
I have zero idea what sir talks aboout, maybe due to advocat, who knows :-)
But look how little his dick is LOL! Just goes to show you can not have your cake and eat it too!
Are you a practising mind reader?
LMAO lol
Your words are true sweet.
Man, d, you make it hard to not have regrets about taking the road less travelled.
I coulda been rich,...
I dont see anybody paying 1000usd for what 100sp gets you around here, much less double that.
Absent smt's or something like steem monsters causing the price to rise i think fluctuating between 1 & 5usd to be the most we can expect of steem.
The returns on selfvoting or bot operating just dont make sense at a higher price.
I do think that we can remain in this range indefinitely.
Plenty of new fools willing to try their hand at becomng golden boys for a while.
I think the best thing i could do is get a homebased business going that the family can continue when you are gone.
That way they are at home to raise the family and have no worries of want.
That's the thing though bro, to own my own companies and get the rewards cost me 3 houses (given to ex partners) and on average 14 - 16 hour working days, then add in over 2000 miles per week travel, and a lot of other crap, and is it worth it? I am not sure, the jury is out for now.
It was a lot of work, for sure.
At least its over now.
If you are responding to me...
I agree with people walking on eggshells or glass, and most of the time I feel frustrated and ready to rant or quit. (I don't quit, but I have considered it) It has nothing to do with life not being fair.
It is never because people out earn me.
My frustration is 100% about the control freaks who think they know how to tell everyone else how to use the site, how to view the site etc. Tell people they can't use their own stake to upvote themselves or to buy a vote. Screw that. It annoys me to no end.
I have to tell you though, when I get honest with myself, that is me reacting to the same thing that pisses me off.
I am frustrated with them saying what they want to say.
I am frustrated with their pettiness, and in turn, sometimes I act petty.
Anyway, best of luck where ever you decide to put your pension!
It is in part in answer to you, and in full in support of what you just said, there needs to be more open discussion on here, and I agree with you.
I am trying to aid that, not work against you.
Oh, I thought you meant you were arguing with me... I was reading your whole post nodding my head! :)
No way bro, I am in agreement, and not arguing, if you read my post with fresh eyes, you will see I am on the same ground.
Well just to be a fucker, I'm sending this one over a dollar 😜
With all you need, this does not have to be any gamble. I'm all in here, what you see in my wallet is my child's future, and I'm glad that's not the same situation for all.
Saying that, I'm not saying this place doesn't have the potential to give my child a brighter future financially. Potential is nothing though.
A fucking dollar, you legend you.
Are we ready though, to change it up? to make people like me put my pension in here? I only want - I think, some subtle changes, people to have the freedom of expression is close to my heart, as you may know, freedom to do as they want also, as long as they do not harm others is way high up on my list.
The small tweaks for me to invest I think are possible, it just means a slight mindset change no?
Have a superb week Asher, and thank you.
Man, I would not put my pension in here. Invest a %, yes, but that's all for now. We can have a group of excellent folk knocking around, but if there are bunch of people at the top not giving a damn, no engagement stats are going to save us.
Sky or bust 5% doesn't sound so bad. Good luck on your decision!
And we can't name those twats or publicly discuss what they are doing because we will get spanked!
I toned down my reply after reading it sober today, oops :)
But yes, agreed.
Bloody lightweight lol.
Yep. 3 bottles and I'm anyone's these days, which is a shitter cause if that were the case a decade ago... 😛
Cheers Asher, the jury is out for 12 weeks, and I will only go 50% in anyway, never 100%.
I could change some things on here then maybe I hope, as I am for free speach, not censorship.
Time will tell my friend.
A few would be crazy to go half in with that much money. That would be way too risky with your life's pension. I'd diversify on a few digital currencies that have good firm technological/foundational qualities attached to them, ones that I'd researched well. Pick wisely and invest only that which you can really afford to lose, as the digital currency market is still way too volatile . The Steem team are not proactive enough for me to invest my own money as of yet. It is my opinion, that they should be creating a better presented main page with icons that help users more easily access other areas, such as DTube, DLive, DSound, etc. and they should definitely have a view counter so users can assess how many people are viewing their content.
A more friendly and usable user interface would also make the platform more accessible to people who might want to migrate off of Facebook and other sites. That influx of new users is necessary to make your account grow. Adversely, if people grow disillusioned with the platform due to it not being as good as it could be, then your investment may continually decline over time. I just think its a bit too much of a risk right now to go heavily in like that. Thus, I'd diversify with Steem and some other cryptos and play the long game while living off a portion of my retirement savings. Being patient and watching closely are the key to wise investing.
For some currency foundational info check out Dan's info @libertyacademy.
Top 10 Cryptos you should consider HODLING
Best of luck......because luck is what it is really all about. :)
Superb response, I am thinking of now getting a team together, regarding investment advice, and giving the top advisors a % of my returns, would you be interested? I want nothing off you by the way, I am talking about my investment, so no loss to you.
Thanks for the offer Deliberator but I am a lone wolf. That way I never have any accountability to anyone else. I hope you don't take offense or think me crazy. That's just the way I operate. To be honest, I'm not even really at Steemit for the crypto. I'm simply here because I needed another platform to back up the geopolitical material I put out. I am only investing with crypto that people gave me thus I have nothing to lose really. I simply am pointing out Dan's good advice which I think many at Steemit didn't get a chance to see. It is my opinion that the global elite will soon be picking their big 3-5 currencies. (Not sure if you saw the banker Ronald Bernard's interview where he stated they are behind it all.) So diversifying and choosing the best probable elite chosen cryptos is probably the smart way to invest. Dan provides real fundamental analysis at that link instead of hype. I thank you for your offer and wish you all the best. Just tossing my opinion in because I didn't want to see you go all (or half) in like that on what is still the wild west. Kind regards.
People are people, they like to tell people what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Especially when it come to money, because it is not their money. Just like votes, on steemit a vote is money, plain simple and truthful. A vote is currency, it has value, it is worth something. So people are going to tell people how, when, where, why, and what to vote on, (their shit because everyone elses shit is shit post including your own), so they get the money. I my self do not really like bid bots, or most bots in general, I do use one bot, wel two if you count @dustsweeper as one, or three if SBI is a bot also, after all they are all upvote systems.Self upvote systems at that. Well got to head out, I may finish my thoughts later may not, the wife calls time to hit the road.
Hit the road "jack" though come back for more, yes you are correct, all are self aggrandizing mechanisms, though more socially acceptable, though says who? who made it normal to buy sbi, but not a bidbot? why are people making rules on a supposed site with no rules? we are, you are, they are.
Hows bout going back to he way the site was supposed to be, no rules, and flag it if it is a bitch post?
I have looked a long way back in this sites history, and flags were used often, maybe people need to pull them out more.
It was a nice drive, until about 5 miles away from home, ended up being 35 miles from home. A reminder of why yesterdays bullshit just does not matter, and how today could be your last day with no tomorrows in sight. A motorcycle head-head on, no movement by the bike other than people wandering lost like, one guy down by the person from the motorcycle.
Do what needs to be done. People need to use the site here the way they want to. If you don't like a bid bot, down vote any post that uses it for disagreement on rewards. If you like bid bots, use them, if some one disagrees and down votes your post because they disagree with your post reward, tough shit, the down vote is allowed. Even if you do not use any bid bots and someone thinks your post got rewarded to much and down votes it, tough shit. Buy more SP so the people with more SP can not bother your Reputation. It means nothing anyway if you got your Rep through Bid bots.
I have the choice to down vote, or upvote or buy votes, or even sell my votes, It is my vote, and I am the only one that is responsible for how I chose to use my vote. If new users, old users, or mid term users, can not accept responsibility for how they use their vote, tough shit, I don't care. If someone want to tell someone how to use their vote, and they listen, tough, they abdicated their responsibility to another and will have to live with it, it really is quite simple, It is your vote, do with it as you please.
How you use it is not against the rules of steemit, if you have a moral objection to how someone else uses their vote, then bitch, moan, complain, and never do anything that any individual can morally object to you about. Life is to short for stupid games, I am sure that motorcyclist, if he could would agree.
Sadness, a brother down, it happens a lot this time of year sadly.
Fantastic comments my friend, and worthy of a post in itself.
I had to change my thoughts, get them away from the scene, so I did a flower post. Reality is to harsh sometimes.
I was in a bar in Thailand 6 years back, it was a darts and pool night, they have leagues for expats, to get trade in midweek.
I heard a loud bang the other side of the bar, walked around to see what happened, I half expected it to be someone knocked out from a fight, it was not though, it was this pleasant old gent I knew, he had a heart attack and died whilst holding his last beer.
One thing is for sure, we never know when.
He died looking at me, I will never forget that look in his eye.
OK, this is easy to say as I will not risk anything, but if I had say a million dollars I could easily invest a reasonable percentage on Steem, say 50K, especially now that it is so low, of course it could crash for good but I think it will probably go back up and then you could take out the amount you put in and just leave the profits working here.
As for self votes, in my opinion if you have invested you have a right to do it, of course in a reasonable manner (that one is good, I guess reasonable may have a lot of meanings) and also giving back to the community by up voting other posts would be good.
Thanks friend, I am not going to stake any more than I would be willing to use, which is 50%. I have everything else I need in life anyway, and I am not going to live for ever, as much as I once thought, at round 21 that I would.
All good, have a great week.
Great post and pretty much sums up my experience with steemit. I joined in march of this year and took a while to figure things out here. But yes many try to be very generic and bland in order to get up-votes. If i get it great if not than thats fine. I will not change or alter my viewpoint or comment on things that do not interest me just to be noticed.
When i came across your stuff in the donaldmarshall section it interested me and since you are also newer to steemit u interacted in a way that older steemit users do not do, and since i am also new it resonated with me. Any ways I myself will invest more into steem, maybe not as heavily as yourself but a least a few pounds or kgs! haha take care
I like to talk to everyone, and answer also, I noticed early on that some people on here will not answer a damn thing you say, if you are not a cash cow to milk, 2 of them are over 70 rep and motorbike riders, yet ask them anything and you get ? silence, nothing not a bloody thing, we can change that though, you and I and everyone else, by stopping upvoting anti social psychos, Hang in there my friend.
Haha i agree. Will do and u as well continue the good work!
No risk no reward. It honestly could go either way..... but we all know that steem is a great token that is highly undervalued. There is definite possibility here to increase your investment by significant amount.
Of course I would never give anyone investment advice except possibly to diversify a little bit. Having said that...... I'm almost all in on Steem.
I don't have nearly as much as you will have but my meager amount is extremely important to me too and I've put my Faith and Hope in this platform.
You have shown faith in the platform, and that is what I want to do also, not only me though, there are more me's with a pension to put in here, though only if people stop arguing and telling everyone else what to do.
Have a superb week, and thank you for the top class comment.
Given the current climate where the world seems poised to have another meltdown to give the global bankers the cover to reshuffle the deck, I would invest part of that in real goods.
good quality knives
Food with a long shelf life
toilet paper (a must have if there is a meltdown)
good quality tools
You get the idea. People always go on about gold, but tools to build, start fires and wipe ones ass will be priceless. Imagine living off the land without a good quality knife. In a barter system, more people will value this than shiny metal.
Ok, now on to topic. You shouldn't consider putting but a small fraction of that here. Given the uniqueness of the project and how cheap it is to get, you should consider buying some Cardano as well. Again, just a small fraction.
For the rest...shrugs.
Oh, and doubt we will be seeing many changes. People gonna people.
Superb answer, as expected, now go and see the post I left for you yesterday, I know for a fact you will like it, my brother from another mother.
I have invested some of my own monies into steempower to help myself along as well as being able to give better upvotes to those i want to show support to. I upvote my posts 100% i make two post most days. The rest of my voting power gets shared around to support others here. I think this approach has been working well so far. I think your idea of investing some monies here and doing something similar may work well @deliberator
Thanks my cousin from other shores, I like your thinking.
So glad to hear you are getting at least part of your investment back from those sleazy operators.
Reading this reminded me of a favorite quote:
"If you follow other people's advice you end up making other people's mistakes."
Top quote, and solid advice.
well steem can be a solid investment for sure. I read the comments below and it does seem like quite a silly place though lol. Sounds like you've done very well for yourself good sir, hats off to that. I'd diversify as much as possible, I always liked commodities like canned fish from Norway and milk from New Zealand and the like. Check out what North Koreans like and wait for the sanctions to end ;) food will get a big bump first.
To be fair, I am more interested in the sanctions on Russia being lifted, it is only 1 country over, and that country is only 70 kms away, Ukraine. As the Russians want and need fresh fruit and vegetables, at the moment they are shipped (by farmers not me) to Belarus, then sold to the Russians, to avoid sanctions.
Sounds good to me, Starve the government and feed the people. Making some money at the same time is the way to go.
When the Russian government find lorries full of food coming over the border, they have been known to destroy it at the border, instead of giving it to people to eat.
That shit is criminal, Guessing there isn't a very heavily armed populace in the area? I really like being an armed civilian lol, safe to say me and my friends would be eating in this scenario..
They are armed, though not likely to take on the Russian military at the borders..
Hopefully it doesn't get any worse for them then. When things get desperate people do some interesting things to survive, no one wants to see anyone pushed that far.
I'm really right wing and even I want to get into animal rights and hug a tree after reading that article. 114 tons of pork wasted, that is so many animals killed for no reason, that should bother anyone with a conscious, the fuel used too wow.....
I agree with you. My entire or most of my entire stake and my families stake was traded on the Discord or bought with the exchanges.
Trading on Discord is a better deal. No exchange fees but there are some greedy folks that own steem for sale.
That said my family has many accounts we bought from @anonsteem. Some of them were more expensive because steem was more valuable when we got it.
Lots of folks frown on that but what the hell we paid for our stake no one gave it to us!
Honestly you are right about walking on glass I learned how to do that quick here and it just about made me quit. I was flagged to a low rep 4 times
Thanks to @valued-customer he came along and encouraged me told me about @r0nd0n, @freezepeach. Quickly got my rep restored and made my post the highest one I have ever had at a whopping 24 dollars!
I am powering down all accounts depositing the steem/sbd in a cold wallet . Will just try to earn my way back up to a minnow. If I can, fine. I will just sell my stake and move on. Lesson learned.
I think if you want to know what is really happening here you have to look much deeper that your wallet and who is upvoting whom. Look into what alliances are being made and why. One thing is for sure no one here knows all, there is much to learn every day. Such as my recent post about encrypted messages in your wallet.
I have seen those encrypted wallet messages also, intriguing indeed.
I hope you stick around, we need more people like you here.
Thanks we are here for now as a family @lovenfreedom the better half and @futurefarmers the oldest son. We all enjoy it much. It does tend to consume time!
Actually, there are several realities in steemit and it is a decision that can take a long time, I think we can improve the system through investment, since there are people who do not see the future of steemit with much SP, but only with delegating power to large projects that promote education we can guarantee the improvement of this social network.
The jury for me is out on delegating sp, that may in fact be part of the problem, I will cover that in a different post in the future though, once I have made my mind up.
Have a superb week.
Well, in my opinion, you have over 1MV already, so you are at the minimum you need to really play.
Steem and SBD will spike up here soon, and then taper off as before.
So, buying now is a good move, buying later... maybe.
Steem and SBD are an inflating currency. They are only going up in price because the entire market is going up faster than the inflation. At some point that WILL NOT be the case.
10 MVests seems to be a good number for voting and seeing an actual movement in payout.
My bet is that Steem will die a horrible death, but from its ashes 10 more things will be born. But, it really is difficult to fortell how it will die. It is... when there are popular, competing platforms, as well as, sudden real price drop, as well as, some real fire storm in comments. (that and steemit not actually updating its software to include what it should have done a year ago)
Superb comments, and to a certain extent I agree, though not on the death part.
I think it has a massive potential, if and a big if, it can be cut free from any ties with btc, as in being able to buy in (invest) without the need to spend half a day buying btc, converting on another sire to sbd, then sending it here, simplify and make it so people like me and you, could literally enter our debit card number, enter the amount and boom, the fiat is on here in either sp or sbd, any movement of btc up or down would matter not then, would it not?
Have a superb week.
You got a 2.75% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @frot!
Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!
Ban that FROT guy he is a self voter!
Hey my friend, diversification is key! I would put about 25% in here plus I would certainly grab some precious metals! I know they've fallen out of favor lately but I think countries will increasingly move away from the dollar and I can really see the Chinese gold-backed exchange system taking off .. there is a reason China & Russia (and loads of merchant bankers) have been steadily building gold reserves, they are banking on a future high price .. plus silver is going to be key in renewable technology.
Hey bro, I have 25% of my pension already in Bullion vault, I am going t0 be forced to withdraw that though, due to my legal actions against Liberty sipp, I may well reinvest back into it though, superb advice, thank you my friend.
No probem dude, another point is the silver and gold are oversold on the paper markets so make sure the vault is nice and safe. As soon as failed delivery happens .. the paper illusion will disappear, people will run to take delivery of their metal (many won't get it) and the price will go through the roof.
That is why I went for bullion vault, if you withdraw it, they send you the physical gold, and you can take it any time you want bro.
Wise man :)
Are u really considering investing a million into Steemit? I think that’s a huge risk. Why? Because of all the things you said. This platform has a lot of flaws. Cryptocurrency could go down a lot more. Who knows. And what if Steem gets some real competition?
I am thinking about it yes, though not 100% certain as yet, time will tell I suppose.
Thanks for the thoughts all the same.
Are you still thinking about investing $1mln in Steem?
Btw, you don't need to write 10 posts a day to be able to 100% upvote yourself. You can also upvote your comments. You can basically put a thumbs up below my comment and upvote that.
Is you really have 750k Steem I don't think to many people will flag you. As a flagging war would be bad news for them.
Yes I am, amongst other things, I have some other things to look at first.