I'd like to see if there's any interest in doing a meetup for SteemIt in Dublin. It would be for anyone, people who are totally into it and just want to talk about it, and people who have barely heard of it but are intrigued by this whole thing. Comment below or message me on another forum if you're interested.
Interested parties so far:
Count me in
Yes.. interested.
I would definitely be interested. What do you think people would want to talk about?
What it is, how to use it, how it works, philosophical implications, whatever :-D
Could even use it to trade Steem and Steem Dollars.
Yeah sounds like a plan! Work permitting, I do a lot of weekends
other Irish Steemians I've seen around are @davekavanagh and @pc101
Perhaps we should have a hashtag so everyone can easier keep tabs on the irish steepit meetup stuff ?
I can't add another tag to this post at this point but we can put 'dublinmeetup' on any future ones.
#dublinmeetup is perfect. See yall there.
Sounds good! I think it would be good to get an Irish all crypto currency group going with Steemit being the first of many. Could be a good way to share ideas.
Hi Johnny, more recent thread here:
Looks like the weekend after this one, haven't chosen an exact time. I'm open for whatever time/place suits you guys.
Oh, actually there is an Irish Blockchain group on MeetUp.com if you're interested in that as well.