This day I'm not feeling well. I don't know if I got sick, but this day it is also a great day because I receive my 3 beast! After how many days I waited to have an exotic pets I finally have them.
Time to unleash the 3 beast!
Can't wait to unleash the monsters!
Before I transfer them to the new enclosure I change the substrate first.
First I prepare the Coco Peat Charcoal Brick (Substrate) with a small water bucket.

Then I removed the plastic of the Coco Peat Charcoal Brick and I added water of the water bucket.
Then I waited the substrate to dry. While waiting the substrate to dry I check the 3 tarantulas that I bought.
Brachypelma Albopilosum
Grammostola Pulchripes
Poecilotheria Mettalica
After checking the 3 beast I remove the old substrate as I preparation of the adding of new substrate.
Then the new substrate is already dried.
Then I fill the enclosures a new substrate.

as you can see there is a enclosure with yellow top it is because the Microwave Containers is not enough for the Brachypelma Albopilosum
Then I slowly transfer each of the tarantulas.
First I transfer the Grammostola Pulchripes for her/his new enclosure.
Then second I transfer the Brachypelma Albopilosum to the new enclosure.

Then lastly the Poecilotheria Mettalica

That's it for now guys! See you soon on the next blog!

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