Is there only one official website for voting for witnesses?
No there are many sites, because voting at the end of the day is just a type of transaction on the blockchain. Here are some sites you can use:
- (Steemit Inc controlled, okay for now but that could change).
Do I have to vote again? Does my vote expire? Do we have like elections, like terms of like two years or something?
Votes do not expire, but you should use more of your votes. There is no downside to voting for multiple witnesses. I'd recommend voting for all of the community witnesses that are close to surpassing the sock-puppet accounts.
Let me know if you have any more questions!
Another option is to vote by proxy to a user like @theycallmedan. See his post at
The benefit of this approach is that you only have to do one action and your votes will update whenever @theycallmedan updates his votes. Hopefully he will keep them updated to which witnesses need them most.
How many witnesses can you vote for? Up to 30?
Yes up to thirty, but at this point it's most important to vote for community witnesses on the cusp of being in the top 20.
Thanks. I voted via Steam Peak.