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RE: Content discovery! Steemit vs Reddit. (just a rant)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have been on and off reddit for over 10years. When I first started reddit everything was lumped together on the front page and there were no subreddits. Those were the days of “vote up if, vote down if”. It was just blue text on a white background. It was better back then. Now they’re shady as fuck with their shadow bans and if you say anything about their liberal socialist agenda you get banned, assuming you can post in the first place with their karma limits. Point is, when you first start a website you just want things to work. Reddit worked back then. Now it’s just one infested armpit of censorship if you don’t toe the communist agenda. I’ll never go back there. I’d rsther be here as long as there’s free speech.

And you can find anything through the google search. Just put whatever you’re searching for in the google search, including peoples names.


" their liberal socialist agenda" "if you don’t toe the communist agenda"

I feel like you can't define any of those

There are only a select number of subreddits where you can say any right wing opinion without being harassed and downvoted. You can state left wing opinions pretty much everywhere without fear. That's a big problem because it makes the site unpleasant to use for anyone with right wing beliefs, including free speech.

That is not what I asked. Liberals are right of center, they are just another form of capitalist.

"That's a big problem because it makes the site unpleasant to use for anyone with right wing beliefs, including free speech."

free speech has historically been more left wing than right, fascism comes to mind for one.

"You can state left wing opinions pretty much everywhere without fear."

liberals are not left and I think you mean progressiveism, which is just the "happy face" of tyranny. Either way 20 million die of poverty a year and the answer is the destruction of capitalism.

It’s historical revisionism to suggest fascism is right wing. Giovanni Gentile was the father of fascism and he was very left wing. Fascism is fundamentally about collectivism, not individualism or freedom. That’s synonymous with left wing politics and socialism.

I’m not OP and I wouldn’t refer to the left as liberal. Liberalism is fundamentally a right wing ideology which dates back to the Enlightenment.

Capitalism has brought 1 billion people out of poverty in the last 20 years. Socialism and communism has killed 100 million at least in the past century. It should be clear which side has better ideas.

If you honestly believe capitalism is a bad thing it’s a wonder you’re on this site at all. Capitalism is mans greatest invention and it will continue to bring millions out of poverty every month.

"and it will continue to bring millions out of poverty every month."

they wouldn't be in poverty if it weren't for capitalist imperialism.

" Capitalism is mans greatest invention"

yeah, and atomic bombs and climate change are next

All depends on your defintition the word has been bastardised and co-opted so much it's lost it's meaning to post people same with Anarchy which I think is beautiful to me capitalism is just a market economy and I think that's much better than letting the state or other entity choose and dictate everything!

its historical revisionism to ignore the fact that fascism is completely right wing lmao. Hitler slaughtered socialists and communists and privatised multiple national industries for a reason

What was right wing about Hitler? He was all about collectivism, his party was the national socialist party, he socialised education and welfare and blamed the wealthy capitalist Jews for all of the country’s problems. Replace the word Jew with top 1% and it sounds a lot like another socialist, Bernie Sanders.

The socialist historians have lied to millions to try and distance Hitler from their corrosive ideology.

"What was right wing about Hitler? He was all about collectivism, "

oh so that must be why he privatised nation industry.

oh no wait, you're just delusional

remember that one time hitler slaughtered every socialist in his party?

Fascism is an Italian term that means “groupism” or “collectivism.” The fasci in Italy were groups of political activists who got their name from the fasces of ancient Rome—the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the unified strength of the Romans. The core meaning of the term fascism is that people are stronger in groups than they are as individuals.

You're right, that sounds sooooo much like right wingers.

the right wing is based on private ownership of the means of production and a market system built out of that.

The Nazis supported private ownership and markets.

and it seems like you missed this

It feels like the early days of Facebook and 3rd-Party Facebook Apps.