
So, the decentralised blockchain should be governed by a central authority to stop corruption?

Exactly, these are the legit concerns. You can't have it both ways @dhouse, that's why it's a hard problem that hasn't been solved here yet

No, it would be a decentralized authority, much like the witnesses are now. You're overthinking this

I think I get you, just that they should have that power.

I think the point here is that some powers are too much, but you're disagreeing with that. An analogy is to the death penalty, where some people feel it is never appropriate because no one should have that right, and others who feel that in extreme circumstances we should allow authority to decide to remove someone from the community, from all communities, by death.

Fair enough.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Side point but this:

Kind of reminds me of the tug of war between Anarchism and Communism. Both systems equally share their positive and negative sides. At the end, Capitalism always win.

I would dispute this reading. In the spectrum of anarchism you can have anarcho-syndicalism (which is the communist anarchist flavor) and anarcho-capitalism. You can contrast that with state-communism (previously in USSR, China, Cuba, etc.) and state-capitalism (the "West", etc.)

I'm curious what you mean by saying that capitalism will always win?