I use old school HTML, seems to work fine for me.
You are perfect for building a Football community because I don't think anyone is? Just have your first tag as #football and it'll grow. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a 2K following within a week which would boost your Rep and your earnings.
I have to agree with you about Crypto, however, I just ignore most of it. I take the view the money in my account and the account value isn't actually real it's only when you start using fiat to buy Steem (Or Bitcoin) that reality kind of creeps in.
Steemit is a little bit harder to use than Google Plus BUT! there are a lot nicer people on here than there. I haven't fallen out with anyone (yet) that's why I spend far more time here than anywhere else. :-)
The #soccer tag is fairly active. Not somewhere I'd go
Soccer pfft Americanism.
/me stands on the white cliffs of Dover and sings: