G, Shawna. I didn't get a Gina notification for the mention, so I clicked this innocently, and to have such glowing words written about me by someone I respect so much is amazing.
You wanted someone to follow. Do you follow @mariacaffrey? From pretty pictures to incredible posts about LGBT+ topics and feminism, her blog's got you covered.
Omg, you are so kind, @didic <3 It makes me so happy that you mentioned me of all people! Thank you! And @shawnamawna, I just followed you back! I think you're very sweet and I hope you like the things I post, I'm always trying my best <3 You both rock!
Woohoo! I'm really looking forward to reading more of you @mariacaffrey!
I did not but I do now. And YAY! I'm so excited you stumbled over my joy in connecting with you. You are amazing.