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RE: Quick Answer: Why certain posts earn so much more than others

in #steemit9 years ago

Why would anyone contact another person that makes money to complain about it ??? LOL. I make little money also, but I never contacted anyone to explain why he makes so much money.


It's weird, right? I just can't relate to that mentality. Shouldn't we be happy for others when they do well?

Yes, exactly. And if you aren't happy with your own results, then find a way to improve. And if you don't manage to improve after trying, then find yourself a different hobby.

I am ! This platform is mad crazy and fun 🙀 Whatever Happens .

I've noticed a lot of the top-earning posts get the most flags, as well.

Steemit may incentive people to be nice to each other, but jealousy has been with humanity from the beginning. And it is not easily slain.

for him this bring new money, improve rating he share his ideas, his opinion, but we decide to believe or not