Anyone else use Steemit more then Facebook these days?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Well the post is a simple one lately I find myself so addicted to Steemit that I'm using it more then Facebook. Now I will admit I'm a social media buff I check and refresh Steemit every two-three mins versus 10 times a day with Facebook. I mean the moment I wake up I will starting looking for new content to read, up-vote, and comment on. Hell I check Steemit before I check my stop-loss orders on exchanges and that's something I've never done before but yet Steemit just has that pull lol.

This happening to anyone else?? 

#steemit #addicted #change #habits #loveit #facebook #socialmedia


I use Facebook like once every 6 month. So definitely, I am using Steem much more. 👍

I'm pretty addicted to Facebook too mainly because my friends are in crypto groups on there, plus out of state family and friends. I think Steemit is a step in the right direction for sure I'm glad to be in the cool kids club lol.

Participating in Beyond Bitcoin Friday Mumble sessions, got me out of my shell in voice based interaction. Steemit has me hooked for an hour or more a day -- a first for any social media site.

Well congrats! I'm glad you find something that's a new and exciting experience. Steemit inspired me to write my first blog post actually, I've always considered blogging but figured the market was flooded but Steemit really is a neat new way of doing things. 🙂

I never really use Facebook anymore really. It's even been a few years since i've even updated my profile picture haha. I go to reddit when I need to find additional info, but too much trolling to make it an ecosystem worth living in.

#steemit has been providing solid content, and watching the community build apps using #steemd has been fun.

Believe it or not I just now started using Reddit within the last year and it's ok but like you said the trolling got on my nerves I mainly just use it to read AmA's now. It's crazy how the popularity exploded for Steemit and it's just the beginning! 😊

#AMA's are great and, so long #steem survives, it will top reddit AMA's. imo

Product Hunt chats are great too

That's exciting I was wondering when AMA's would starting appearing. I thought about starting one but then I realize I'm pretty boring and I not anyone that a lot of people would have questions about "I'm a Customer Service Rep AMA" doesn't sound very appealing.

Unless you have a list of interesting customer stories

I still use facebook to convince my friends to migrate to.steem

@dking7334 thanks for the constant upvotes

Yes I am!

I usually check facebook multiple times a day, combined together = 30min spent on average on Facebook but steemit, Is much more interesting because of the vast diversity of content being shared on here, you can definitively find a post for everyone, no matter what your interests are there is always something for you, unlike facebook where all you see nowadays are Click-Bait Ad's, posts, even people and a lot of fake people with fake smiles, friends, lives, interests....

I've never been a big reddit user as most of my friends and musicians I follow are on FB, but I did use it for the cool AMA's and certain posts that got shared on FB... So I imagine I'll continue to use FB until it's replacement is here (AMP Synereo is looking promising)

But since I've found steemit I'm spending about half my normal FB time on FB and half on here lol so it's cut my FB time by 50% so far!! I'm putting more effort into what I write in a day and even made my first Vlog .

I think this new generation of social media is going to be great for people

I heard AMP is definitely going to be the next generation's Facebook so I've been stocking up on that to and I plan to try that out the first day it comes out. 50% is about what I spend on Steemit now myself maybe a little more time. I've never written article post before Steemit so it was my first website to and I hope I can improve my writing enough to make a living at it eventually but I agree the new generation of social media platforms will hopefully enable people to survive and make a living just by being themselves and participating.

No, because it would be like if Facebook promoted every post that said how wonderful Facebook was. Blind praise is rewarded, and they launched alpha software and put money on it. They never got Bitshares working right, this won't be the next Facebook. You are all smoking crack.

It's not just the blind praise post that get rewarded though. I've found so much content and read some amazing stories on here that are handsomely rewarded as well as the spammy post. I think the praising post will come down as time goes on. That was dumb as fuck launching alpha software with a weak front-end website and with real funds none the less but I bet they learned a hard lesson about doing that when they had to reimburse all the accounts and pay for the security audits and patches. Bitshares sucks no lie hate the GUI for it but it's an active development with a whole different team so it's not out of the game yet and it still to my knowledge the only coin to bring a decentralized exchange to market (crappy as it is) and that does mean progress is being made sorta lol. Right now nothing is the next Facebook; Facebook is in a league of its own will remain king for awhile yet but I definitely think Steem has bright future in the industry. I haven't seen AMP yet but I'm also stocking up on that as well why have one when you can have both right? Lmao I'm not smoking crack just having fun and making crypto doing it im still getting used to that part; I had my doubts about Steemit (especially considering the hack and Bitshares) but I figured since I got mine all tied up in Steem Power wth I'll continue to play on I can't get off of it lol.

up voted @dking7334 greating from steem-FB

Greetings! Thank you following and up-voting as well!

i USED TO visit Facebook multiple times a day till 3 days back. Now it is full steem!!!
... fb sucks ;-)

Well if #steemit had a status update bar and you could get paid for status updates I would definitely go full time here.😉 I hear that's going to be more of AMP's thing though.

Nice post sir. And I can already see myself on here a lot. I have been rewarded decently for my recent posts. This makes me happy, because I have been writing so much for so long. Anyway, I look forward to more posts from you.

Thank you sir! I plan to post more content later that will be a better read for sure. I'm glad you are here Sterlin I knew you could have a chance to make a decent income with #Steemit doing what you love to do the most.