I have written a few posts about it already, and so have other photographers on here. I do have a post somewhere that shows quite simply how to work back to the source - takes all of a couple of minutes in most instances! If you can't find the source, you can't use it! I will track down that post and link it here.
It is not a subject that most want to address, because the majority of posts that are using images not from Pixabay etc. are plagiarizing and infringing on copyright. No one has a right to use ANY image on the web - except where specific rights are given. It may be OK with the Steemit community, but that does not make it ethically right.
If you find an image on the web, unless you are willing to do the homework and find out what the source is , then you should not be using it. Steemit doesn't care. It's just a community! Of course you are going to be limited, that's why there are stock agencies that license content. We are professionals who work for a living like everyone else, but that is often hard to get across on here. My overhead over the years has been hundreds of thousands of dollars, so giving away my work for free was never my intention. LOL!
Thank you so much. I honor people's intellectual property and will do whatever it takes to not violate that trust.