First of all - I know I look like a DTube Fanatic with the mug, the shirt and the hat and the giant logo behind me. This announcement can only be said with the proper gear, guys. You have to understand that. If you were to go to your favourite teams semi-finals game, wouldn't you represent? Second, here is the link toe @heimindanger's post: https://steemit.com/dtube/@heimindanger/d-tube-0-7-welcome-to-the-hd
Please make sure to upvote it and resteem and share the love of DTube with the rest of the world! Let's get it trending for 7 days! :D
Third, thank you so much Dev Team! @thekyle, @nannal, @mkt, @superkoala and the Legend @heimindanger -- You guys are an All-Star team! You're the Dream-Team! Thank you for your hard work, dedication and commitment to this project. It has meant the world to me and for so many of us. We are so excited about this update and what's to come!
I cover a lot of things in this video, but if you want to read through everything, you can go to the original link and read through it all. This is more of a summary of the major changes and developments!
Everything is looking ACE! Amazing! Now - let's get dtubing guys! Let's get DTubing!
Be positive! Stay positive! - How can we not with an awesome 0.7 update guys?
DTube Meet-Up! Niagara Falls Sheraton Hotel Lobby - April 11 @2pm
Join our discord #onelovedtube to chat with us! :)
*** CLICK PICTURE TO WATCH - If you want to get through the video in record time, set your playback speed to 1.25x or 1.5x ***
Here are the links from the video above:
(To see links for photos, just right click on the photo & click go to image in new tab or copy image address)
Hey guys, welcome to D-News on steemit and dtube. Bringing you the latest news in the crypto sphere!
My goal here is to share relevant news, tips, and any other helpful information to you. We cover anything and everything in the cryptocurrency realm.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know and I’ll be happy to hear from you!
Disclaimer: This is NOT financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. Please do your due diligence and research in every topic. Never invest your bread money. Take care of yourself & family first. Don’t always follow the herd, follow your heart.
Thanks again, I’ll see you guys next time here on D-News on @dtube and remember to keep it D-centralized!
You can find us on twitter here:
Music by: Royalty Free Music - Best Motivation (loop)
▶️ DTube
Thanks for advice. And pointing me to all the news of Dtube. See you there
Awesome!!! See you there!!!
This patch have quite good improvements. Now dtube has bigger GPU's and more video quality options available which is good for the system.
I am hoping to see it competing one day with Youtube.
Yes! It's a groundbreaking patch! Kudos to the Dev team. It already is competing with YouTube to some extend. More to come! More to come!
What about viewcount ?
Not yet. You can viewcount on the steemit blog pages :) I'm sure it'll come!
would be better if Dtube it self had viewcount and playlists too.
You really do speak fast sometimes haha. Great recap, didn't realize how important 240p would be but if watching on mobile, it changes things!
Yeah sometimes I go hypersonic. Especially when I think about Australia...I mean...erm...New Zealand...hahaha
I actually ran out of my LTE because I was watching too many videos. The 240 should allow me to watch more now without hitting my limit.
This sounds great. I had a lot of trouble uploading to Dtube and stopped entirely. But now it seems like using Opera and at 480p (and now 720p) will work!
Yeah! Try it now :) it's very smooth. Smooth like butter. Like this guys face @kevinli - make sure you follow his buttery smooth face. Probably the smoothest butt-face on the entire DTube platform (erm...I mean buttery-face..as in smooth - not oily)
This is great stuff! I couldn't agree more, multimedia is such a powerful tool and DTube is bound to blow up soon.
Even though steam is taking a bit of a hit I honestly can't see how anybody with a bit of common sense could not see the ENORMOUS potential of these two symbiotic platforms.
Totally agree. I believe the hit we're taking right now is across the board and just a temporary blip :) it'll moon after this. Rumours of Binance being hacked is crashing the entire market.
Not only that, we tend to forget that Asia has huge influential wait on the market outcome.
Japan forcing Bitstation and FSHO to close down for a month and penalizing 4 other exchanges in response to Coincheck $530 million hack - resulting in the biggest crypto heist surpassing Mt. Gox - will inevitably shake the market. To add on top of that, USA actions to clamp down on exchanges regulation doesn't help with the scare.
Nice video Man! Youve got a nice studio and look good in 720p :D
Hey brosky. Hahaha - yeah my office turned "DTube Studio" LOL - the self-made poster should communicate that.
yay !
Congratulations. Its a great platform. In the future this.platform may overtake even youtube and no one would asking you whats DTube...More power to you .
Yes!!! One day!!!
DTube is the future!!!
Nice to see you as always my friend :) how are you?
I am good.
U say how are you doing? And how's your son who keeps on trying to overtake you on dtube😉
hahaha - he's well. Dropped my DSLR a few times, but it's all good! LOL
Just trying to keep my days nice and full :) thanks for asking :)
DTube is amazing now! 😄
Yes! DTube was always amazing! Now it's AMAZINGER! YES! That's a word! It's what we use to describe @DTUBE!!!
Well the search engine indexing is the one most important bit for me. The ability to drive organic traffic is one that had been missing so far.
Oh I totally agree!!! That is going to be a game changing!!! Very good point @adetorrent very good point!
how does it work... @dtube made me sad so many times.... if he becums future... then wat about my future :(
LOL! My brotha. Smile and the world smiles with you! Try it out now! If you need help, just ask me. I'll help you. :D Smile my brotha. Smile! Here's an upvote so you'll smile!
no the world is so cruel nowadays... its smiles only when you are sad :p
It's good that DLive is having some developments. It's a WIN-WIN situation for all of us!
Haven't tried it yet, but heard it's doing some great things too!
Wow this is wonderful! Thank you for the update. Glad to have faster upload speeds and 720p, now we can really compete with YouTube. Let's take em down hahaha ;)
Hey brotha :) yeaaaaah! LOL - the time will come. We need to build the resistance and continue to grow slowly, but surely. The time will come when we will strike the Death Star :P
Hell ya I'm with you 100%. Subbed!
Damn you beat me to it lol Love the new updates! 720p here I come :D
@tanbay hahaha - I was too excited! I actually had some other video I was about to upload, but I filmed and edited this one because I was just too stoked, man. 720 baby! HD BABY! I finally get to see your beautiful face in HD! You even got a shoutout there! Lol
I know I'm so happy about the shoutout I'm like fangirling so hard right now lol And I'm so excited about 720p as well, only thing is I wish I waited with some videos because now every video that I've done so far can never be 720 but whatever :P
Ahh yeah. For me, I was always uploading in 720 because I figure eventually they would make it available. I just didn't know they would do it now! lol
Yes DTube is moving forward...thanks for the updates @dnews! #onelovedtube
You're welcome. Almighty @alphasteem has spoken. You may all now sit down. #onelovedtube
Thanks for making a summary about the current update for all the people out there who are too lazy to read, haha :P
This update is really strong and the player has also improved a lot. I can’t tell about the uploads yet as my video from today was probably one of the last ones uploaded on the old version.
For sure brotha. Yeah I would probably be one of those lazy people, but I that one I definitely read. Thanks for sharing it in our group. I think you were the first to share it.
I did notice a remarkable difference in uploads. My @Dlife video was on the new patch and so was this one. Real nice and buttery smooth like @kevinli's face.
Good job Man, I would have missed some of those new features. By the way loving the DTube gear, you are the most dtubiest guy ever.
Hey Hugh Jackman (because you remind me of Wolverine with your wood carving skills)
I want to get more DTube gear! I need to wait a few more days because my wife just saw the package come in. And if I don't get another few shirts I'm going to be wearing 1 shirt per week and that might get me divorced.
"dtubiest" LOL! I'll take it. I'll take it, mate! :D
Thanks for letting us know. Will be happy for small support :) Upvote for me.
If you upvote and resteem the @DTube update by @heimindanger I'll be happy to upvote you and a bunch of your videos too! :D
So easy? I just did that :)
Hey, @dnews - This is awesome news! Once Dtube is technically near the level of Youtube there will be a big come over from Youtubers, because they can work like they are used to but with getting payed again. I think we look into a bright future here.
I absolutely agree :) thanks for sharing your mutual thoughts :)
users should be able to hide their activity from others if wanted (or not have it) .. why whould I want others to see everything I do? I think privacy should be optional at least.
That's probably in the works :)
Hey, great video! Would you mind checking out my channel and letting me know what you think?
Chill out on the spam before someone reports you, bud.
Hey, great video! Would you mind checking out my channel and letting me know what you think?
Sure man. You copy and pasted twice though. Heh
Varie nice salfy
LOL "salfy"
Nice video man!
I like your editing!
Thanks brotha. Keep up the hustle!
Great video as always mate, I’m so glad you are there to keep me up to date :)