Creative Energy Drives The World - Steemit Is a Treasury Of Knowledge

in #steemit7 years ago

We have users from all over the world, we see different cultures and writing styles. Steemit becomes a family for many users, we learn new skills and gain new knowledge every day. If we understand the concept of a business network then we have a chance to achieve great success in the creative Steemit world. New users want to make money, some are investors and somebody starts without capital. We all have a chance to get rich, Steem is the best digital currency with the fastest blockchain technology. We have a large number of businessmen, programmers, artists, poets, new ideas appearing as mushrooms after the rain and we grow together. People change their lifestyles, become more capable with the new knowledge that comes as a river. We make new connections and friendships, our reputation grows, our wallet is thicker and thus we overcome poverty everywhere in the world. This is the best time for a serious start, now we have a chance to get richer because the value of Steem is very small - it's time to invest.


We are interested in two things in the Steemit business, how to make more money and how to have more followers. The best thing is to become an investor and to boost Steem Power. If you compare the value of Steem with Eth, you will see that real value Steem should be $ 100, the question is only when it will happen. We have 271,647,344 STEEM, it is 2.7 times more than the ETH. Eth has the highest turnover after BTC, I expect Steem's traffic to grow very much after the release of Smart Media Token. This enables us to do the same as the ETH platform so that we can make our tokens, so we have a better platform and faster blockchain - ETH loses importance in the field of technology and that is our great advantage. This is reality and everyone who invests in Steem will become wealthy. If you now earn only 100 Steam per month, that means you earn $ 10,000 per month if you look one year in advance. If you do not have the money to invest in Steem, be smart and don't sell it because its value just did not go out with volcanic energy. Now the value of a Steam is just $ 2, it's unrealistically a little, hurry up with the investments.

Another way to make money is to write posts and comments. It is much more important for beginners to make as many comments as possible, of course your comments should be creative and quality if you want to be rewarded. Become a part of our family at Steem Schools discord channel and learn about our online communication style and blogging ways. The most important part is that you have complete support and that we will not let you go until you remain successful - Be part Of Steem Schools Family . Do not make copy-paste comments (nice post, thanks for haring, beautiful pictures, upvote my post etc), it's spam and you can lose reputation and that's not the way you want to go. Comments are your advertisement, this is your link to making friends with other bloggers. Write as many comments as you increase the chance that your posts will be seen and rewarded. When you write posts remember that they are your mirror, make a professional post with creative words. It's important to be a part of a team that always wields, Steemit is the right place for your career and we are waiting for you at our Steem Schools Family Every day we have online classes at 3 pm and 9 pm Europen Time Zone.

Knowledge is most important for success in life, but not any knowledge, only practical experience, and concrete examples. Ego is the killer of intelligence and we are most progressing when we ask questions, we learn from all the people we meet. How to invest, how to build a quality team and a network of people, is all part of the success process. Steemit is a platform that gives us a wide variety of options, find your place and start making the brand from yourself.
Remember Steemit is the real treasure of practical knowledge, a blend of investors and business people with ordinary people.It's your chance to learn the rules of a business, to be part of a creative project on the way to the realization of your dreams. It's your chance to learn the rules of a business, to be part of a creative project on the way to the realization of your dreams. For all the questions and details we have those who will support you, be present at the place where you have the right answers from experienced bloggers and business people. Welcome to Steem Schools discord channel - 4000 users are waiting for you.

We Win Together

See you on the top @dobartim Welcome to Steem Schools project :


Steemit is a book of knowledge . There are alot of knowledge and more fun.

Of course, ocean of knowledge

inspiring words my friend @dobartim!! In deed steemschool is the best place for all including newbies and whales. I never regretted been part of the family. "Blessings" to you for this great vision.

See you on the top

Steem Schools is only place where users can get free knowledge thanks to @dobartim. Together we win.

See you on the top

I can resonate with this part so well....

Steemit becomes a family for many users

Steemit has most definitely become a family for me.
I do hope that the price of steem goes up like you have predicted in our previous post to be $50 or more.

I think I may have to invest in steem now that the price is low even though I don't have much.

I must also state that commenting and making good posts like you've always taught has been really helpful for me and I have benefitted immensely by so doing.

Thanks a lot for your teaching always and your support.

See you on the top

You’re right Dr great success, steemit is a platform where great ideas meet great innovations, where promoters meets businessmen, an open business opportunity for those who are seeking the true knowledge of it. Steemit is 10% socia media and 90% business, those who choose to see it as a social media 90% are those who backs out being discouraged and those who sees it as 10% and business platform are those hungry for success.

Steemit is a Lang flowing with milk and honey for investors and future investors, the faster one invests the better now when the price is $2. As a smart investor, with all the projections in the section of this post , you’d see clearly Steemit is indeed a money making machine. The investment opportunities are open, now is the time to secure your future and that of your generations to come.

So steemit as 10% social media allows you to blog about your potentials , your capability , it presents your blog and other blogs as stores in which there are varieties. Your talents,abilities and capabilities are your wares in which you display , the better your skills , the more connection and patronage you get.
Another way is commenting on people’s blog , recognizing their communication style and connecting with them through comments, brings about more connections and patronage on your blog and so steemit as a social media actually allows you earn .

Awesome my friend

Steemit is a platform that brings desired success down to your doorstep. Honestly, i don't analyse Steem with it's present status quo. I try to imagine where Steem will be in one year and the financial benefit it can be to any steemian. It kindles the embers of my hope for a better tomorrow in steemit platform.

I agree totally with you @dobartim, best time to invest in Steem is NOW that it's value is small. Thank you @dobartim for this piece.... It was well articulated and penned down.

See you on the top

See you too, Sir.

Never give up

@dobartim, steemit is really cool and i totally agree with you, now is the best time to invest in steem. Knowledge is the key to success and you guys are doing a great good by steemit school. I'll be joining your classes for the first time today, i look forward to learning a lot from you all. I'm so grateful for this opprtunity.

Knowledge is power, see you on Steem Schools discord channel

You're always sharing good knowledge. A good start for Monday.@dobartim,


Steemit is a library of knowledge. Here have many thing to know .

Welcome to Steemit and Steem Schools project

Excellent post Steemit is a portfolio of knowledge and ideas. You have my support.

Rightly said sir that steemit is a treasury of knowledge and followers are increasing day by day and one day it will become most used social network. Its an ocean of knowledge where every useful and meaningful can be searched. Infact a dreaming platform for such people.

We win together

Well composed post, too many points you try to discuss in one post and how you relate steemit to these points that is wonderful, I must Appreciate your effort "Ego is the killer of intelligence" this sentence catch the match,
GOOD LUCK for your future posts and "i wish MINNOWS may win like you"

Thank you, Welcome to Steemit and Steem Schools Family

Everyone will benefit from reading your wise post. It's a good guide for those who like me new in steemit. We all are want to benefit very quick. Which is never possible. Success never gets so fast. So be patient. Then you will achieve success.

Step by step, see you on the top

Hello @dobartim

...some are investors and somebody starts without capital. We all have a chance to get rich, Steem is the best digital currency with the fastest blockchain technology.

I couldn't agree more sire. You have said it all. For someone to join here without a penny and end up making tons of thousand dollars is one area that I am still at a loss. However, most of these folks who joined without investing a dime end up becoming real investors. I know quite a lot of them who are investing their monthly salary here.

Steemit is everything!

@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest

We win totgether, see you on Steem School classes

You should have renamed the post the Steemit Bible.

Thank you for nice advice

Beyond all mentioned steemit is a site where you are motivated to do genuine researches. It's a sort of nursery for tomorrow's einsteins

Awesome comment, see you on the top

Hello @dobartim

From a just concluded conference held here in Nigeria. One of the most important lessons I learnt through during the progression of the conference was the fact that knowledge is not necessary power but the ability and application of knowledge make power available.

So far, so good, my experience right here on steemit has expose me to experiences of people, I have come to see and understand life through their written expression, thoughts and shared ideas of steemians here and above all, steemit indeed is an amazing platform that will harness one's intellect ability.
Nicely written

Thank you very much

Thanks for the post, it has given me more opportunity to know about how to get lots of vote


your post is not only clear but also invite us to win together as you said. Honestly I feel lucky join in steemit. My post or comment is appreciated not only with mouth but also thicken my wallet. And I will make benefit post and useful. Because the kindest human is who useful for the other human.
your post also support me as a plankton or minnows to keep write and write in good ways and good goal.
warm regard from Central Java -indonesia

Thanks for the tips. I will use them to help me become a better blogger and commenter. I’ve been trying to find my nitch and find it difficult but it’s the beginning. I started in February and I hear that people can earn fast, however, I’m crawling but not giving up and I’m meeting interesting and like-minded people, that’s great.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Awesome comment, I am Orca and we have good orcas and whales.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment