Let's Get To a Richer and More Beautiful World - Steemit Millionaires

in #steemit7 years ago

Poverty is just a laziness of mind and people, all who want to live successfully can achieve this. We live in an abundance of ideas and possibilities, the hardest thing is to get out of the comfort zone and change our way of thinking and working. The most important things for success in life are knowledge, discipline, dedication, creativity and communication (good relationships with people). Each of these things is crucial to success, all together when they work perfectly, they give the perfect result. We all want to become a brand, that people recognize the size in us. Wealth is based on creative and persistent work, sometimes we are lucky, but it happens after our persistent failures. It is best to learn from others' mistakes, but human nature is egoistic and we believe only when we personally have our own experience. It is not easy to find the right person for cooperation, when there is no money and when the job starts, it is important to establish the right team and balance of trust. Likewise, when you get to big money, problems begin, big money brings with it great responsibility. Steemit is great for investors, for users who are communicative or who want to become bloggers and for everyone who wants to learn the basics of good communication and business logic.

The biggest money is hidden in hidden potentials, meaning that we need to discover good start-ups that have great potential. Steemit has more than 1 million users, imagine what the Steem value will be when a new platform with Smart Media tokens starts running on March 24 next year. This means that the next year, the new platform will use more than 20 million people in my estimation. The value of Steem will be raised at least 20 to 50 times compared to the dollar, it will also rise 5 to 10 times compared to Bitcoin. I started my career at Steemit when there were 350,000 users, it's still the beginning and there are still changes that will improve the work on Steemit. Now is the best time to invest, because the future of this project now depends only on the number of active users. Active users bring new users and investors, in this way the Steem value grows. Steem is a great challenge for developers who can make their version of the project and join it with Steemit. This is a place where spontaneity, culture, knowledge and innovation is merged into a new dimension of the business social network.

It's sometimes boring to be persistent, and the business is boring because it requires you to do the same thing every day. the mind constantly wants to make new things and that is why it is difficult for us to make a big success. We are progressing with a combination of creative ideas and projects and with focused disciplined work. You need to find your talents and preferences, this is the beginning of your successful career. The second part of the story of a successful business is composed of good habits and moral codes since nobody wants to do business with ruined people. The laws of probability are on your side of the moment when you learn to sell, the sale contains 90% of the successful business. We sell good stories, good communication and relationships with other users at Steemit. It is impossible to succeed here if we do not know how to sell ourselves or if we are not investors. The plan is an integral part of every success, make your strategy and steps to the top.

Now is the time to ride a dragon and a wild lion in the desert, volcanic ideas and new technology change the look of the future. We are pioneers of change that will eradicate poverty in the world, Steemit is a new generation of jobs that give us the chance to live in a normal and rich life. Laws of success have remained the same as moral norms, the speed of business changes and the choice of opportunities that become unlimited in the era of innovation. I believe that progress in medicine will bring the same progress and novelty as the blockchain technology, we are in a tornado of evolution that leads us in an unknown direction of abundance. New projects bring new opportunities every day, loyalty is one of the important moral and business codes that have led me to personal success in my life. Knowledge without morals is the only crime, without moral codes, we are not people, but we are beasts who do not respect anyone. Be loyal to yourself, your ideas and people who respect you. Teach every day a new thing and apply it in your life, defeat laziness and get out of the comfort zone.


See you on the top @dobartim We win together - Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n


I so much agree with this piece. There's just no excuse to be poor. Inside of every man is the ability to build dedication, dixioliney, Commitment, focus and on the outside are people to relate with. Until one discovers that which is inside, it will be difficult to identify the right people who are out there.
I Celebrate this piece

See you on the top

Thats where im going

Very optimistic... I also believe that in March next year... There will be huge wave of success in steemit... and yes i agree we are the pioneers of change... Let's hope everything go in right direction...

I believe in Steem and Steemit

Your growth on steemit is marvelous... Any suggestions for me sir...

Steem Schools

I so much agree with this piece. There's just no excuse to be poor. Inside of every man is the ability to build dedication, dixioliney, Commitment, focus and on the outside are people to relate with. Until one discovers that which is inside, it will be difficult to identify the right people who are out there.
I Celebrate this piece

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment