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RE: How valuable is the upvote button?

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for saying what many of us (or maybe it is just me) have thought. If you like someone's work, whatever it may be. Give them an upvote. Pay them for their time and energy. If you don't like their post then don't upvote it. Actions always speak louder than words.

Here is a perfect example of what you are talking about. This was a comment from one of my recent posts

"What awesome work! I’m totally new to photography but playing around a bit and using steemit as my medium. Let’s support and follow each other on this awesome platform and revolutionize social media with quality content!"

Do you think this clown upvoted my post? Nope. I responded to his reply and I may go look at his blog but you can rest assured that it is at the very bottom of my list.

I would also add that not everyone who is posting content is a professional writer. Some people are using the platform to share knowledge. I've learned a lot about cryptos, aqua-ponics and other areas of interest from people who can't construct a complete or proper sentence. I've found some good recipes and seen places in photographs that I will probably never get to visit in person. In all of which I find value so I give them my support by upvoting their posts.

As far as the tools you've identified, I use Steem Now everyday that I am on the platform. If I see someone has upvoted one of my posts (especially a name I don't recognize), I will go check out their work right away and if I like what they are doing and I don't always do, then I will follow and support them. If all they are doing is trying to get an upvote for an upvote with no valuable content then I will not.


Your observations are sound. Not everyone writes well, but with video and memes now on Steemit, just about everyone can make themselves heard :)

There are thousands of interesting blogs on Steemit - and they'll all be here long after we've all gone, I suppose :)

Upvoting to say thank you for the five-minute read while I drink my coffee takes nothing from the upvoter but it could be the start of a good friendship.

Exactly. I've upvoted and commented on content (poem or drawing) not because it was particularly good but because it was someone's best effort and now I have a friend and a regular follower and their content has improved. And, through that connection I found someone else's blog that I liked maybe more and through that connection there was another and so on.

That is also how I found

I will also say it is refreshing to have a whale address this issue in such a positive way.

Little steps, tiny leaps of faith lead to the next and the next...

I'm not a Whale... I may be a Dolphin, but Whales are MUCH bigger :)

You may not be a whale but you're still a big fish in my little pond and I appreciate your advice.

The little steps approach has been my strategy for a while. I have literally thousands of photographs that I have been sharing on a regular basis and then every once in awhile I put a few together into a little story. Eventually, I will start writing more and have complied a list of several titles that I have been working on. Kind of like you having, I believe you said six books in the chute.

In the meantime I will go for the low hanging fruit while I build up my reputation score, wallet and following. And, sometimes I post something silly just to keep ME engaged in the platform.
