; an inside look at the behavioral psychology of variable rewards.
Like many of you on this website today, I'm completely addicted. For almost 2 weeks now it's become a daily habit of mine to;
- wake up => write an article on steemit => post it and..... => "Damnit! Only $0.05, hmm maybe I should do 1 more today..."
- write another article => post it and..... "Damnit! Again, only $0.15 oh well"
- wake up => write an article on steemit => post it and.... => "Woohoo!! $320!! Now that's what I'm talking about baby!!" ~release the dopamine~
Like a slot machine at a casino, it's the variable interval schedule (also known as randomness) of an upvote (reward) that keeps us steemit users addicted for more. Don't believe this is going on? Well just checkout this article, this article, this article, this article, or this article that are all steemit posts titled I am officially addicted to Steemit. In fact a quick Google search "addicted to steemit" will yield 9,580 results with similar articles.
Ok, so we're all addicted to Steemit. How does this work?
The answer has to do with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that’s tightly linked with desire and habit. Dopamine has long been known to play an important role in how we experience rewards from a variety of sources including food, sex, drugs (like cocaine and heroin), casino games, video games and now added to the long list; steemit. In regards to steemit - after making a post when a user gets a reward (upvote/STEEM) a state of increase levels of dopamine in your brain is achieved. This in turn motivates you to want to do more of the same thing which got you that reward in the first place.
But dopamine isn’t just pleasure, it’s about anticipation of pleasure.
When we know how the game works (this lever press won’t give us a reward, but the next one will) our novelty seeking brains get bored. But when the rewards are unpredictable, we stay on edge. Studies have shown that unpredictable rewards cause greater increases of dopamine, which may be why the behavior that lead to the reward gets so strongly reinforced. This is called variable rewards.
Variable rewards is exactly how slot machines and many other addicting games operate - and is the science behind why they are so addicting.
But @DogGuy - isn't about variable rewards. You have to create good content THEN you'll be rewarded.
While I'd like to think simply creating good content is enough on it's own to achieve the reward (upvotes) - that's not how the internet works. When it comes down to it; it's 10% skill and 90% luck. There is so much content being produced every second on the internet - that producing good content alone isn't enough, a large portion of success still comes from being lucky.
Unless you are apart of the 1% of the 1% on this website that have a strong backing on every single post, you are then apart of the 99.9% who still cross your fingers on every post that maybe this one will "hit it big". And that is exactly why this website is going to be so successful. is destined for success.
Social media's history has proven humans love to share our own thoughts, stories and experiences. Prior to steemit having an award system of upvotes alone (think Facebook/Reddit) seemed to be enough to keep us hooked and coming back for more. Adding STEEM (cash) to the mix is only going to pour more fuel on this fire. Steemit is described as reddit built on a blockchain... To hell with that - steemit is reddit built on top of a casino! Every post is like pulling the lever to a slot machine and the only thing we are missing are the bells and whistles that go off when you hit it big.
Nice post. Not knowing whether you're going to make big money or not definitely helps make it more interesting. I love gambling, and it's even better when, as @andrarchy said, when you walk into the casino, you have a bunch of promo chips which can win you money, but never lose you money.
Good one. I experienced this for sure last weeks. It really is addictive.
appreciate the feedback! Yeah I hope people don't look at my post as negative, because that's not what I'm trying to say. It just kind of is what it is and we're all experiencing it on some level ;) It's really quite addictive ;)
Steem might be successful. I hope so. But the promise of an opportunity to gamble on a large, infrequent payout isnt what will get it there.... there are hundreds of different scams and online casino games that offer that that people ignore as spammy trash all the time.
Every post like this that celebrates steemit's similarity to an online casino ultimately reduces its credibility as a platform.
Well what will make steemit successful is the large adoption of users over time. In my opinion what will keep those users coming back is the casino like mechanism that is the payout schedule. It's not good/bad/indifferent that this is apart of the system. In reality all social media website have it - however with steemit the payout is actual cash vs. say likes & shares on Facebook. Even Facebook has this addicting quality to it where people are addicted to posting a picture of their dinner or Saturday night outfit and want to see how many people like/comment/share.
I think at this point in time it would be hard to argue against the fact a lot of people are here, using the site because of the payout system.
very good
thanks @kabanvasa - glad you enjoyed
Good post :)