hmh ... i'm not active as you are (anymore) on this here fine puddle of mud and sharks pretending to be killer-whales but maybe with mister Sun in the ballpark things could yet get interesting, who knows - my posts can be all over the place i usually don't go for what would get likes and it's usually out before i know it hahah - you really are a busy bee omg
creative overdoes :p
i dont really have €25 leftover either, Television broke and i think that will be more than that ... and these things called bills and stuff, must be nice to be people who can like buy a million steem for fun and playing dictator heh
gud, anyway (i only check replies here once a week normally xept for the @tyrnannoght game-feed) cya-round
@doingdailies I hope you stick around a bit to see what happens in the pool of mud. I simply write down what pops up in my mind and post. Most of it I do not think over for days. I do not see the point of it.
It's clear if you buy so much steem to be seen which is the fun part with ruling the world you do not care about 25 bucks or more.
I made me dome enemies so you missed nothing in the past week. Drama it is, mainly with us as a victim not for the big fish.
I can't help but I like the new captain and hope he makes us visible and save us from drowning. I he's mud plus I cannot swim.
Perhaps you can ask someone to have a look at your tv for free?