well, now we just wait 400 more days for the elder witnesses to stop the blockade, then another year for Sun to position himself and then maybe two years after we get SMT's on steemit like they have on steem-engine ...
= sarc ...
whatever it's gonna be im just gonnna have to see
and then see to see if seeing is believing and then
if the price goes up i'm sold .. (omg im a cryptoslut !)
well they had 4 years, they got this place nowhere, none of them and not all of them combined, that's what an american president gets i think before he has to prove that 'the people' still want him in the seat
so for all i see their propaganda war is working b/c i read a lot on how its a total conspiracy and how a guy worth 84billion net who spends like 4.5 billion to have lunch with buffett to try and convince the man that 'crypto is not rat poison' has bought this (in collusion with the chinese gov't ofcourse since those have nothing better to do than steemit, the threat to mankind and commienism!) just so he can fork it and sell it all off to make what ? another million on top of the 84 billion
its been two weeks and i still read the same stuff so i think im gonna sit it out a bit longer ... its not like have lambos invested here (if i did id probably have bought a ticket to texas and a shotgun by now lmao) or philly, where those other guys are from ..
the price is right back where it was and nothing has happened or changed, people keep posting what everyone wants to hear and double that in the reply section of highnumber accounts (and say high-number because there's something about seeing lots of zeroes that makes people go bonkers even if the dollar value might go close to nothing ... )
and so on eh, don't feel obliged to answer ... i just try to keep up (on this account at least) ...
Lol, and the band played on,...