Review Egretia ICO

in #steemit7 years ago

Egretia platforma

Table of contents:

  1. Egretia platform
  2. Benefits
  3. Problems and solutions
  4. How does it work
  5. ICO Details
  6. Conclusion


Egretia platform

Egretia Lab is a platform that is created for the functioning of HTML5 on a blockchain - this allows solving the main disadvantages in the HTML5 industry and adding practical solutions for the development of the industry.

Egret Technologies has assembled a complete and complete HTML5 workflow, covering 14 technical products (Egret Engine, Egret Wing, Dragon Bones and Egret Runtime).

As the world's first platform for blockchain services and the HTML5 ecosystem, Egretia Lab has teamed up with Egret Technologies to work with market giants. They implemented the association of blockchain with other already proven tools, and reached the necessary agreements with Internet communities and partners to attract a large number of developers and many mobile users of Egret Technologies to the world of blockchain.

Currently, Egretia Lab has implemented existing HTML5 technologies and productivity tools to successfully create the world's first technology for creating gaming machines on the blockchain. Developers can easily and easily create games on the blockchain through the Egretia Lab toolkit and use the blockchain to move virtual assets between games. At the same time, Egretia Lab has built four major platforms: a distributed communications and storage platform, a game distribution platform, a virtual trading platform, an Egretia advertising platform and an Egretia incubator. They provide complex solutions and blockchain services to players, content providers, channels and advertisers to create a full balanced ecosystem.


• Own-developed public chain
This public network will be based on delegated evidence of the share mechanism of consensus, whose goal will be to optimize and HTML5 game performance. By using a layer of blockbuster interface and heron engine tools, developers can quickly create block-DApps.

• Consensus mechanism
The public network on the Egretia platform will use delegated evidence of participation as a consensus mechanism. This mechanism is similar to the voting board, where the coin holders cast a certain number of nodes, through accounting and the verification mechanism.

• High performance
The public network Egretia will have parallel computing power that allows to optimize performance for the needs of the gaming industry. It has a fast transaction per second.
Using the DPS mechanism, scalability will be greatly increased, which makes it possible for more than 2000 operations to support the initial test circuit. CHP will be increased in the future in accordance with the needs of the business.

• Real-time settings
Egretia can change the system parameters without bifurcation. The platform will change the parameters through a vote which will be based on consensus.

• Efficient and comfortable development suite
Tools Egret, which will be used in the platform Egretia lays a solid foundation for the block project. This makes the application development block convenient, simple and efficient.

• Egretia Platform Digital Token (Egret)
Platform Egretia will provide a digital marker Egreten that can be combined with other games, as well as used by players to safely and effectively trade in virtual goods. That marker will be the first marker that will connect the different

Problems and solutions

In today's world, where Internet technologies are rapidly developing, the methods of providing and structuring data are constantly being improved. With unprecedented competition, a variety of services are constantly improving. The sphere of games on mobile devices has changed dramatically, so modern technologies have almost completely exhausted their own resources, so that in the future mobile games can develop.

The company Egret Technology spent more than four years to create a comprehensive set of tools for the development of HTML5 Content. With their help, developers can create content, test their achievements, integrate them with block system technology and distribute the finished product.

In addition, as you can see, Egret is an extensive tool for creating 2D games, which is more than enough to start working even with a team with little experience. And by combining all these tools and locking in one platform, Egretia will provide developers with a complete ecosystem with which developers can develop, test, debug, create, integrate with the blockbuster and monetize their own content.

How does it work

The world's largest HTML5 Blockchain platform.
The Egretia platform includes a block-based development process, four major platforms and integrators that provide end-to-end solutions and package services for players, content providers, channels and advertisers that contribute to the creation of a complete ecosystem. In recent years, after many hardware upgrades and the rapid development of Internet technologies, some of the weak spots (such as performance, traffic and compatibility) that previously limited the work of HTML5 games have been eliminated. Using the power of mobile social networks, HTML5 content is widely distributed in mobile applications and created completely new business models.

ICO Details

Ticker: EGT
Token type: Ethereum
Country: Singapore

Token is used for effective services based on DPS (Delegated Proof of Share) consensus mechanism aimed at optimizing the performance of HTML5. Through the level of the blockchain interface, in combination with the tools of the Egret engine, developers can quickly create dapps based on blockchain.


A fairly competent team with vast experience in technically strong organizations creates a project in which it is planned to combine modern demanded technologies with colossal potential and a huge market with billions of turns. Both technologies - HTML5 and blockchain, are innovative and advanced, in symbiosis with each other will certainly create an interesting and necessary product. The web industry is in an endless development and improvement will appreciate the Egretia platform and its capabilities.

    More information can be found here:
  1. WebSitе
  2. Whitepaper
  3. Telegram
  4. Twitter
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