This strange sign of intelligent people will bury

in #steemit6 years ago

It will be strange to hear, but those who wear glasses can be more intelligent than their other colleagues.

This surprising claim came in a research in Scotland.

During the research of Edinburgh University, genetic data of 45,000 people was analyzed and found that more intelligent people are likely to have more than 30% of the need for eyeglasses.

During this research, researchers also discovered that genes of mentally more active individuals play an important role in better health of blood cells.

This is a unique research of its own nature, since it never got such an idea before.

The research team analyzed 148 genome regions, out of which 58 were never done before.

He said that the results help explaining why aging causes people with mental health problems.

However, they were unable to tell that what is the reason for the relationship between the mental health of the genes of Genes, the illness and the illness of the blood cells.

However, he said that it is the biggest genetic research on mental functions, and there are several genetic differences in the ability to think.
He further explains the discovery of genetic effects on physical health and psychological structure will help in finding mechanisms that affect the lifelong thinking of a different way.

The results of this research were published in journal Nature Communications