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RE: Sad revelation about Steemit. The truth which can't be ignored.

in #steemit8 years ago

Keep it up man. I completely agree with you and find most of the top rated content absurd, providing little or no value but that is what this world has come to these days and I completely get it.

I write, blog, comment and give people advice all day here, providing useful news and well thought out winning trade setups but I could give a shit about wether I get paid or not. I write for myself and to spread what I believe is useful information. If one person benefits from my knowledge or laughs at a funny comment I have done my job.

I will never complain about not making any money on this site or shill my post by tagging the so called "whales" because that is not why I am here and it simply is not in my nature. I describe it here in case you want to read.

Also, if these individuals would rather upvote some hot chick or some popular poster who has worthless info just to try and make some money that is on them. They are clearly wasting there time and missing out on all the great content here on steemit. For example, no one voted on my current BTCEUR trade set up because I am not popular on here and I'm sure they thought "why vote for this guy, the whales don't vote for him and he's not popular so why waste my vote". Well that mentality cost them the opportunity to make a lot of money because had they followed my trade they would have made 1000x fold of what they made upvoting a makeup tutorial or hot chick. Here is my current trade setup.

This trade is in huge profit but no one was able to take advantage of it but I'm cool with it. It's there loss and I made a profit off it and enjoyed writing it.

Try and remember why you are here and just keep up the good work and write about what you love.

Peace - domavila


Thanks, you're right, just occasionally it strongly bothers...

I completely understand. With me it isn't the fact that no one upvotes me and I am not making money. It more has to do with the fact that people are missing out on some of my cool content and I sincerely just like talking to people.

Since I am a trader I often sit in front of my computer and it can get lonely sometimes, that is why I comment on so many posts and try and start useful conversations. Keep it up brotha!!

Very much I understand you, the treyding generally put difficult