Don’t Expect The Knockout Post Right Away…If you want to get 'Trended' then here’s the path ahead...
The newbie always tries and expects for the knockout post right away, meaning they expect a windfall of 100’s of dollars for their first few posts and get trended. With todays focus and attention span levels all that does is leave you open to a counter, and tire you out far quicker.
It’s the punch you don’t see that gets you, the rejection, lack of engagement, the dissapointment. But you’ve got to keep being precise and keep punching, if you do, the knockout will come. Your post on the trending page will come one day.
In life, we often expect success quickly, but it never happens that way. It always takes a lot longer than we think, and it involves much more risk and sacrifice than we’d ever comprehend. Don’t even think about the knockout when you start your journey, just keep punching, writing, creating, and innovating, and the knockout will come.
If you think success comes quickly, you’re more likely to quit when the world proves you wrong. The fight is won on the road to determination, persistency and consistency. Success is always created in privacy, where no one sees your hard work, sacrifice, and dedication.
All they see is the end result, they don’t see the blood, sweat, and tears that preceded the victory. If you want success in anything, you have to be willing to look for the long term game.
Thank you for reading this post because I hope it is helpful for you in thinking long term success and fostering persistency and consistency for your Steemit journey.
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All my hopes and dreams.
I like what you said brother;
"If you think success comes quickly, you’re more likely to quit when the world proves you wrong. The fight is won on the road to determination, persistency and consistency. Success is always created in privacy, where no one sees your hard work, sacrifice, and dedication." it's so true.
If others could see the end result, they would see the blood, sweat, and tears.
I agree with you, If you want success in anything, you have to be willing to look long term.
Thanks @healthiswealth, meaningful results will always have have word, sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears.
Or words like commitment, patience, perseverance and dedication.
Excellent advise! Thank You. I love steemit. More often than not the content is thoughtful, practical, and very intelligent. Steem on!
I've only been here about a week and this is one of the best posts I've read. Lot's of wisdom in it. Here's hoping it's a knockout thread.
Thanks a lot @bcharles65 and nice pun!
Good Job !!
Totally agree with you, put int he work and have tons of patience... People can start winning :)
Cheers @stackin, put in the work again and again and again to even start winning, thanks for sharing.
Excellent post! I've been on steemit for around 20 days now and it's true that at first I thought it must be pretty easy for people to just post something and have 100's of dollars roll in per post. When you look at the 'hot' and 'trending' section, it seems like that is the norm.
I found out, of course, that for most people it doesn't actually work that way. You have to be consistent, keep producing the best posts that you can, meet other people, find your own voice/do your own thing, and have fun!
I really enjoy steemit but it's certainly not a get rich quick scheem by any means.
Nice advice for us, thank you! :)
Expecting to get punched is any boxers best defence, managing expectations is the best way to manage your steemit account well said Dom