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RE: Long Live the Immortal Idea! An Introduction to Steemit for Beginners (FAQs, Common Critiques, Concerns, and Thoughts)

in #steemit8 years ago

My topic for my Anarchapulco 2016 speech was "Only One Thing Has Ever Changed The World". And that, my friend, is the almighty IDEA. People act on what they believe. Change what people believe, change their actions, change THE WORLD.

Steemit is based (whether subconsciously or consciously) precisely on that sort of premise. This is also built on the tenants of basic human psychology -- what motivates us, what inspires us, what stimulates creativity.

I will be talking more about this in an upcoming Anarchast episode with Jeff Berwick, so look for it in he coming week or so!

Graham, I am impressed with your delivery and succinct explanatory style, so I believe you and Jeff and Larken and Sterlin and many others will be majorly successful here.

And I think I will be too. ;)

Viva la FREEDOM!!!