I hear you. I'm also happy to see you taking a stand, after we met in one of the curation trails projects. I like your approach.
I don't have any info about shareholders but I don't consider that very concerning. As a matter of fact, I do have a good feeling about this entire thing (it's just a feeling, though).
I follow the github issues closely and I see there is activity. Devs are working on stuff. On the other hand, when I look at the content in the website I sense this feeling of anxiety, which I think it's somehow borrowed from the early adopters. There was a number of people who cashed ginarmous amounts of money just for being in the right spot at the right moment. Those people feel now, naturally, they have less, or they get less. And that frustrates them. And newcomers coming in with high expectations just borrow the same attitude.
When I got here (less than a month ago) that carnival was finished. Steem was 0.38, now it's 0.13. Again, at the inflation level, I find this quite normal. Building a community takes time. As in years, not months. (I know because I built a few, both online and offline).
But I don't see any reason to inflate the things more than they are already inflated. It doesn't look like an abandoned ship, I don't buy into that "last chance to make Steemit great again" discourse. I choose to write, to produce good content, to promote in my own network, to do manual curation on the tags I chose and be calm.
Steemit may or may not work. Nobody really knows that.
But at least I did my share of work and I learned tremendously.