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RE: Has SteemIt a bigger censorship than Facebook?

in #steemit7 years ago

While there isn't 'formal' censorship, it is true that there are those with influence who abuse the flagging system. @freedomvigilante did well to put up this post, because the facts are that there are different factions of people at the top. In the case of his post that was what I call 'flagged into oblivion' it was a matter of a member with clout who disagreed with his opinion discovering the post before a member with clout who agreed with it. For instance, if @canadian-coconut had come across his post first, she would have upvoted it, and even had @sneak flagged it, he actually has much less voting power than she does so not only would it not have been hidden, it would have earned.

The simple fact is that no matter how great a place is, when it's filled with people it's always going to have problems. In my experience it's good to address the negatives but focus on the positives. By which I mean deal with the problems as they come, but make a much bigger deal out of the good, and ultimately the good will win out :)