This is how flag wars begin.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

And this is why you should still engage in them, when necessary.

DOWNVOTING (which is used as an re-allocation of rewards, due to a difference of opinion on the quality of the post in question) vs. FLAGGING (which is a penalty for true abuse, such as plagiarism) Last Saturday, on @shadowspub's Witness Chat - we all sat enthralled listening to @crimsonclad passionately explain WHY downvoting should be used on the platform. She also carefully explained the difference of using the terms

Two of our Welcome Wagon graduates (the dynamic duo @xcountytravelers) have begun a new project called, "Have Ya Met"

Since they're familiar with all those newbie names and posts, they came across someone who was abusing the tag. They mentioned the abuse, told them the guidelines and carefully warned them that consequences of tag abuse might follow if they didn't stop abusing the tag. The user (@rafsani) told them he wouldn't stop, that abuse of the tag was the only way to get upvotes and be seen, and told them to just ignore it if they didn't like it.

Maybe this was just a case of simply not understanding
that there were better options?

I decided to come alongside him to help, and suggest other tags to use. It was clear that people were enjoying his photography! There are TONS more tags that he could use for MORE appropriate votes, and also the chance to build a real COMMUNITY to support him long term.

And then I noticed his photography.

It was good! Maybe... TOO good.(and remove funding from the rewards pool) were NOT his photos. @bluefinstudios and I used a simple reverse search which revealed that the photos he was using to collect upvotes

Further inspection of his blog showed that he wasn't NEW to plagiarism - as he had already been previously visited by @steemcleaners, and - both warning him of his abuse.


At this point, what would you do?

First - I would suggest you look at their reputation. This is my personal suggestion. Why? Because plankton and minnows can't afford to get into a war with someone who will decimate them. That's just the brutal truth. If you can't handle them, and you have bigger friends - GO GET YOUR BIGGER FRIENDS. Seriously. This is ONE of the reasons why community is awesome. Is this mob mentality? Absolutely not. I DETEST mob mentality. This is called protection, wisdom and common sense.

Second - Be kind. Right? If you can be kind, do it. There is no reason for name-calling or vicious behavior. Just clean up the water that we're all swimming in. Do your duty, and leave.

ThirdHERE]- Chill. It's not personal. If it's a downvote, explain why. If it's a flag, explain why AND THEN NOTIFY @steemcleaners, @cheetah, @tagalong - whoever else might be appropriate. [How to notify @steemcleaners? Use their website

Fourth - Do not engage. Honestly, people. There are people who thrive off of drama. Do NOT feed the bears. (They'll just make more bear poop. And you know I know a lot about bear poop. LOL)


I was perfectly fine to walk away from this situation after flagging two of his posts, both clear instances of plagiarism. This morning, he retaliated in flagging 9 of my most recent posts. So, I decided this would be an appropriate time to make his name a little bit more well known.

Did his flags bother me? No, not really. Financially, they didn't. They were 0 cent flags. (Even though they cost HIM nine of his ten 100% votes today. What a waste. YES, downvotes COST you.) But, it was more the principle, and a follow-up to the topic from the Witness Chat.

Had he been an angry dolphin (or higher) - that could have been EXTREMLY harmful to me, but thankfully, I did check his rep first.

Why does all this matter?

His post was worth 15 cents before you flagged him. Do you really care that much?


  1. Yes, I do care. And you should too. We all swim in the same waters. Let's keep it as clean as we can.
  2. I don't flag erroneously. His arrogant attitude, consistent abuse pattern, and disregard for proper ownership warranted every bit of the tags he received from me and others.
  3. With Steem being so low, 15 cents is a lot. If you don't think so, go scroll through the posts of some new users and see if they'd like to have that 15 cents!
  4. Those rewards DESERVE to be re-allocated to other more diligent Steemians.

So - thank you @rafsani. You've managed to take a negative thing and make it into a positive lesson for others. Hope that you also take this opportunity to change tactics. If not - I see a LOT more flags in your future.

The end!

, where they genuinely welcome as many new people using the #introduceyourself tag, and feature some of the brighest stars to the rest of the community.

Bull Image, edited by @dreemsteem. Have Ya Met, Image used with permission from @xcountytravelers

NOTE: @rafsani - this is how you source your images. These were all used with FULL permission and proper licensing.


Not to discourage you from flagging yourself, but in instances of clear plagiarism it's generally better all around to just file the SteemCleaners form. They'll take care of it and send you a little bit of SP for the trouble.

Yes - I actually did notify them (but I only tagged them) I didnt' know there was a form. Would you mind dropping the link for the form? I'd love to edit the post with it for others to know!

Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!! I edited the post with their website! But this looks like it takes them right to where to report! Awesome!!!

This is an excellent example of how our community can both support the growth of quality content creators, while ensuring the reward pool is not drained by people literally taking others work and trying to earn rewards for it.

It's important that the advice you have given is clear - while everyone in the community should be vigilant at reporting people posting content that is plagiarised - it is NOT their battle. We have accounts like you mention @steemcleaners, @cheetah, @tagalong who will investigate and deal with anyone who is abusing the reward pool for their own gain.

You also have your Witnesses you vote for, any Witness will always be happy to help in situations like this and either pass it onto the relevant people that deal with it or provide direct support.

Our community is strong, and the sooner these people realise it is easier and more rewarding to put a little work in and produce something unique - instead of trying to pass of other peoples work and put no effort in - we will all see the benefit.

#thealliance #witness

Absolutely - well put @c0ff33a! Thank you for shining the light on that post. I worry that my post might be TL/DR hehehehe so good to have comments that also highlight WHAT to do!!! :)

So thankful for your support - always! I think you must have been born a witness hehehehe

Hey, @dreemsteem!

Thank you for your contribution to the crowd. We are the Steemit project dedicated to empowering The Wisdom of Crowds. You can find more about us on our official blog or whitepaper and you can support us by voting for our witness and joining our curation trail on Steemauto . We are also inviting you to join Crowdmind Discord server. Don't forget to use the #crowdmind hashtag and happy crowdsourcing!

Additional comment: Here you are describing your experience and raising some valid points important to all of us, especially in situations when we are engaging and helping the people. We hope you will continue to do the right things for the crowd around here. On the other hand, we will always be here to support texts like this – small sparks which could trigger debates and help us make this whole place even better.

Best regards

Thanks for the support @hidden84 and @crowdmind! It was great to talk to you today in @ravijojla and @anutu's Barbarella show on @shadowspub's Ramble! :)

I look forward to ALL that you have in store for the Steemit platform! I think your project seems extremely promising and hope that we can all benefit from the ingenuity you bring!!! :)

I agree - debates, when handled properly, are opportunities to learn! :)

Indeed, I tried in vain to point out in comments before any flagging the appropriate way to source images, the use and his abuse of #IntroduceYouself tag. We tried to provide help, as we all were new at some point. It was when he decided he knew better, and even though he knew he was abusing the system, that he felt he deserved to play his games... well... that's when things went down hill for him.

Mess With The Bull, Get The Horns!

there's still hope?

if not ... then - this is a great lesson for others who WANT to learn.

This is a real community act revealing an attitude to be followed. I have always admired your iron hand in a velvet glove approach. Love to learn and fine-tune with you.

ohhhhhhhhhh "iron hand in a velvet glove". I like this :)

I'll remember this, Madame (once again, your phrases delight me! hehehehe)

They'll just make more bear poop

:D :D :D This is the last thing I will see before going to bed and it was good.


we were talking about you today!!!! were your ears ringing, my darling fairy???? oh how I miss you!!!!

It is a story as old as the hills.
Copy and then paste....It has been told time and time and time and again and again and again.

Hills are very old.

I haven't seen your new video...but I'm going to in about 30 min... I can't wait hehehe

Just a quick interview with my cousin Joey. Nothing special. :)

You have been defended with a 100.00% upvote!
I was summoned by @c0ff33a.

Thanks @c0ff33a!!!! :) I love ninjas ;)

In Rafikiderpaderp's case, you would think an engineer would know better.

or maybe he's not an engineer, and just plagiarized someone's resume too? lol

I love that you are helping to keep the platform clean. And I agree. .15 is a lot right now and many newbies that put much work into their posts can only dream of that.

Not cool to abuse the system...

yes - totally!!!

It's not cool, and I'm glad that so many people feel the same way! :)

we all help to keep the platform clean, as we can :)

Newbies can never win a war. So I would call this parental punishing.

Oh... I think newbies can win!

When they are given multiple opportunities to stop plagiarizing, they win by deciding it's wrong to steal other people's content and get paid for it with rewards that belong to the rest of the community.

That's it.

Then we all win. War ended.

Don't you agree?

Thank you for the kind words! The reality is, we need to take some of the stigma out of downvoting, for whatever reason we conclude to do so. I totally agree that flag wars are a complete waste of time, and when you do find something that is important enough that you decide to communicate with and then follow with a rewards adjustment, that you look at possible repercussions for you. You're spot on - the occasional downvote paired with feedback should be a small portion of your curation as you move around in the ocean of content we all inhabit. It won't be your main focus and some days you may not use it at all, and that's a-ok! As long as when you do get the urge to downvote with a valid reason, you trust your gut on why you feel that way, and even just consider following through or leaving feedback.

What I can say out of this situation, is when you give and get your first downvotes, close your eyes and take a breath. In 99% of the cases, it will not harm you monetarily or rep-wise long term. You're still here. You're still kicking (typing.) Getting caught up in, "OMG I HAVE TO DOWNVOTE THEM BACK BECAUSE THEY FLAGGED ME AFTER I DOWNVOTED THEM REASONABLY" will just dilute your initial message... keeping at it just gets you caught in negativity. Once you get past the fear of giving, and the fear of receiving, you will have an expanded view of the platforms around us. Being able to feel it, and then shake it off and realize there's so much more going on that needs your attention, will kind of make you a little bit invincible. Cool guys walk away from explosions.

Each day, there are new usecases, new front ends, and new businesses. As we discover which ones fit our goals and our needs, we will see less and less of the content that doesn't match up with our interests... and that means you'll use downvotes even less. As we move into a time where we can join communities and niches which have the option of moderation, even less so. Until then, the occasional downvote and constructive feedback is just your way of picking up a piece of litter on your way to work. If each of us picks up a bit, and also goes out and curates what we like, we're adjusting rewards up and down. Picking up trash, planting flowers. What each person thinks is beautiful and not useful will vary, which is why when we all participate we end up with content that is more diverse across the board. Don't waste all your time and money on downvoting... just open to your mind to downvoting instead of being terrified of flagging, and that's a great first step.

Picking up trash.... planting flowers.

well - that was awesome! LOL That summarized it perfectly!

I'm currently now involved in a flag war with the same person. (Im only downvoting the slander directly on my posts... not bothering with anything else. I'm not the kind of person to go on a rampage and downvote everything the person ever wrote. LOLOL)

It's sad - because no matter how many people keep trying to extend a hand to him, he continues to engage in bad behavior. His reputation is teetering on 19 (yipes) but..... it seems like today he MIGHT have had an "aha" moment and asked to reach out to someone for help.

This person is one of the most helpful people I know - so - fingers crossed that the guy can finally swallow some pride, decide to make a change - and grow from all this. Tough love sometimes works! :)

Thanks for your amazing comment! I just celebrated my 2nd Steemiversary and I think this is my first flag war? (I'd really call it a flag skirmish...) but this particular one was worth it on multiple levels. It will REALLY be worth it if the guy does a complete reversal.

I can guarantee you.... downvoting is NOT how I want to spend the majority of my time. LOL I have way more fun engaging with people in positive ways! too many projects... too much fun to be had :)

have a great day @crimsonclad :)

I just LOVE you lions roarrrrrrr @dreemsteem!

@eveningart ... have you seen what happened? This might make you ... roarrrrr .... as well ... miss you <3

love seeing you tag!!!! ;)

<3 sending many many hugs right now <3

its copied from website ,guyes mut him.

So... I suppose you will not learn then? Seeing your reputation drop to 30 was not at all humbling? And watching all your posts that were plagiarized drop to 0? Still intent on continuing to be foolish, I see.

Well, I suppose if you continue to be a nuisance, we can escalate things.

The choice is yours.