These are truly awesome suggestions for earning extra besides the mundane usual things (like trading and upvotes even). There are just not enough entrepreneurs out there who are willing to game and step out to do something extra besides "playing safe".
Imagine when everyone's doing that, there'll be such a wide selection of things to choose from it becomes (hopefully) a healthy competition and everyone wins. The buyer / investors get the things they need, the entrepreneur gets the business they want.
Wish we can upvote you, but we are building this account to be a good platform to sustain later, that is if @littlenewthings can get her stuffs together in order in the real world soon.
Thanks! It's okay, comments are also very appreciated!
Imagine when everyone's doing that, there'll be such a wide selection of things to choose from it becomes (hopefully) a healthy competition and everyone wins. The buyer / investors get the things they need, the entrepreneur gets the business they want. << Yes! So well said!!!
And just when I have decided to pitch out my review on a imitation of a branded pedometer (only with basic but useful functions) with just a fraction of a price.
China itself is already on a huge competitive contest on pitching their best quality workable imitations out there to compete with the giants!
Though I actually do like this cheaper version for its simple usage, and considering receiving orders (as a bulk) for those who are in / passing by Malaysia to get it, just in time for Christmas presents! LOL.
(because it is both Android and iOS compatible)