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RE: Salad for Breakfast

in #steemit8 years ago

That is awesome. I would love to read more about your gardening techniques. This is the first year we have done a garden and we are having success and failures. We have five acres so we would love to get to the point where we are growing the majority of our food.


Thanks. I learned gardening at a young age, and then my dad was a master gardener. I have learned a lot on my own through trial and error. After all these years of gardening I still have failure. I will add more posts as the summer progresses.

That sounds awesome, I would love to have a master gardner to learn from. We always had gardens as a kid but it was plant, water and spray miracle grow. We are trying now to be as natural as possible.

My father had his truck farm certified organic. He had been gardening organically long before it became popular. Organic can also save you money. I have a green manure crop seeded. I will post pictures before the deer start feeding on it. I always leave a little for them, but not the whole patch. More when it comes up.

My dad past away over 20 years ago, but I have saved letters from him explaining things. He taught me to graft apple trees through letters (he did some good drawings. I also ended up with the bulk of his books.

That is really cool. Something that you can pass to your children one day. Grafting is fascinating to me and something I am not even kinda ready to try.

My first try i had zero success. Then over the years i have finally gotten to around 75%. I have 1 tree with maybe a dozen varieties. I try to find antique apples that you will never find in a grocery store. I was able to find some that i ate as a kid...